You/He Have A Child from A Previous Relationship *MICHAEL*

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You/He Have A Child from A Previous Relationship *MICHAEL*

A/N: And finally we have my lovely Mikey, sorry for the wait. XXX

Michael: “Noah, Emily come and get dinner” I shouted up the stairs. I heard a clamper of footsteps come charging through the house and then come to a halt, the noise being replaced by the scraping of the chairs from the kitchen tiles. “Mmm this looks good Mum” Noah exclaimed, tucking into his pasta like his twin sister. “Where’s Michael, Mum?” Emily asked, questioning where her stepdad was. I sighed, rubbing my hand over my 8 month pregnant stomach “I don’t know Em, I really don’t”. I sat down next to my two oldest children and started to eat my meal, stopping myself from crying. I was in a lot of pain, I was tired and wanted to go to bed- in all fairness, I just needed my Michael. After dinner had been consumed, I let the kids go upstairs and resume doing whatever they were doing before dinner, which allowed me to get on with anything I was capable of, being this large. When I finally was able to sit down, I turned the television on to catch up on some of my missed soaps I have been too busy to watch. I was just about to drift off into a slumber when I heard a car pull into the drive way. I patiently waited in the hall until the door swung open revealing my husband. “Finally your home” I sighed, walking up to him, taking his face between my hands and gently kissing his plump lips whilst he placed his hands upon my rather large bump. "Hey love, how’s your day been?" Michael asked, walking me into the kitchen where he proceeded to walk over to the microwave to heat up his dinner that I had no doubtfully put in there. “It was fine” I started, “I missed you and baby Clifford has been playing up though”. Michael began to walk over to me, kneel down and place his head upon my stomach that he had now exposed “Oi baby, stop playing your mum up, yeah? Or daddy will punish you as soon as you get here” I chuckled at Michaels little speech and smiled as he pressed kiss to my exposed skin. As Michael got up to retrieve his heated meal from the microwave, Emily came skipping in, her brother following and they all sat down at the family dinner table. “So Michael, how long have you got off work now?” Emily asked, swinging her feet back and forth. “Um about 5 months, I need time off to look after your Mam and the baby” he answered, beginning to eat his meal. “Oh, so does that mean I can start designing my new bedroom that you promised you’d do for me?” Noah chimed hopefully. “I won’t be doing that for a while Noah, I’ll have a baby to look after” Michael chuckled, smiling at the thought of a baby.  The conversation continued in the kitchen as I sorted some laundry out: folding the ironing and placing it in everyone’s separate piles. God I needed to do this more often; it’s just piling up. It was about 3 minutes later, when I heard sobbing and someone running up the stairs. Curiously, I followed them and ended up at Noah's bedroom. I softly knocked and entered, revealing my son lying face flat on his duvet covered bed. "hey bud, what's up?" I asked waddling over and sitting at the end of his bed, placing my hand on his back, rubbing softly. "It's nothing..." he mumbled. "Of course it's something my little Prince, you wouldn't be upset over 'nothing' ..." I mentioned, turning my head to look at his turning form.  "It's Michael Mum, all he seems to do is talk about this stupid baby. He used to be so interested in us but now it's all "the baby this" "the baby that" and I don't like it. I want to be the baby forever" he cried, burring his head into my shoulder. I sat there and patted his back comfortingly, kissing the top of his head. "I promise baby, no matter how old you get you'll always be my babies, you and your sister. Mikey's just excited; it's his own child. He wasn't there for your pregnancy, birth or first growing up stages and although he's just as much of a Dad to you as he is the new baby, he's gonna be able to be there and experience what it's like this time. Do you understand?" I finished as I felt Noah nod his head up and down against my body. Just as I kissed the top of his head again, Michael knocked on his door and peered in, "Emily and I are going to the park for ice-cream, fancy it? My treat.... What's wrong bud?" Michael asked concerned. Noah looked at me and shook his head as if to say 'no' and I just turned to Michael and smiled, "Nothing Babe, I've sorted it". "Well if your sure.... come on then you two, get your coats and shoes on. I'm taking my beautiful family for ice-cream" He called, everyone cheering as Michael wrapped his arm around my shoulders, leading me downstairs.

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