Teenage Pregnancy *Cake*

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Teenage Pregnancy *Cake*

A/N: Something you'll learn about me throughout this book thingy I've got going on is the fact I love pregnancy, babies and all that family stuff.  And sorry Luke’s is long (and rubbish) ; I got carried away with the story line. Mashton's will be posted as soon as i've written them, I promise. 

Calum: Walking up to the Clifford household door, you gave a slight knock and waited for an answer. It was currently somewhere around ten thirty in the morning and you had been ordered to bring Calum's bass to Michael's house as he had left it in your bedroom this morning and he couldn't do band practice without it. As the door unlocked, you looked up to see Karen, Michaels mum, stood there. "Oh hey Karen, I’m just dropping this off" you said smiling, gesturing to Calum's bass. "Oh Wow, how dare that boy make you carry that, look at you... you must come in" she ushered, leading you down into the kitchen, shouting into the garage/practice room on her way that you were here. "I swear that bump gets bigger every time I see you. How far along are you now?" she asked curiously as she flicked the kettle on. "I'm about 7 months now. My family are still trying to get used to the whole 'baby' thing but hey, I'm 18 so who are they to stop me" you replied, taking a seat at the island. Karen slowly poured the tea into two cups and placed one in front of you. "It must be hard though, I mean you're so young... Don't you regret it?" she asked, sipping on her drink. Clearing your throat, you prepared your answer, "It is hard but this is my mistake and I wouldn't change it for the world" I smiled. "... and neither would I" Calum interrupted, wrapping his arms around you from behind, placing his hands on the peak of my stomach as the other boys gathered in the small kitchen, Michael grabbing a drink from the fridge. You lent backwards into his touch and sighed, turning your head towards his and giving him a slight peck. "Hey love" he whispered smiling. "Hey" you answered, leaning your head on his shoulder. "Ewe, lovey dovey relationship make me want to puke rainbows" Michael moaned as everyone started to laugh. "Well at least I have one and don't have to rely on my right hand every night like some people" Calum defended in a joking tone. A round of hollers and 'burns' filled the once quiet room, making the atmosphere feel a bit more homely.

Luke: "I'm gonna win" Calum shouted as Michael and he played a newly brought video game in the Hemming's family home. "No chance fucker" Michael aggressively replied, placing his tongue between his teeth in concentration. The bickering went back and forth for at least 5 minutes before Calum gave up claiming Michael "was cheating" and that it was "unfair". “I’m just gonna go pick up Y/N, will you three be okay?” Luke asked, interrupting the playful argument that was happening between Calum and Michael whilst Ashton sat there umpiring. They all just turned and nodded, and went back to what they were doing. Once Luke had reached your house, he found you sat on the stone steps outside the front door with your head between your knees. "What's up squirt?" he chuckled as he sat down beside you, placing his head down near yours, poking your side gently to get your attention. Slowly lifting your head up, you faced Luke, allowing him to see that the situation was slightly more serious. "Why have you been crying, love?" he inquired in a concerned tone, placing his hand on the small of your back. You took one look at Luke's face and burst out in tears again, Luke instantly bringing you into his chest and engulfing your body into his. "Hey, hey what's wrong? Tell me, I can help” he tried. ”I'm so young" you repeatedly whispered almost inaudibly between sobs, leaning into Luke's torso. Realising it might be more appropriate to go inside, Luke began helping you up and leading the two of you into the house that you shared with your parents, of whom he knew were working. Once safely inside, Luke guided you upstairs to your bedroom and sat down on the double bed that sat in the centre of the room.  Tears had subsided from falling down your face and now it just looked like a red puffy mess.  Turning to look at him, you took in his picturesque facial features whilst the beautiful blonde smiled and leaned in to wipe the tears from your eyes with the pads of his thumbs.  "I love you..." you sighed, subconsciously realising this could be the last time you would be able to say it.  "I love you too, boo" he said barely above a whisper whilst intertwining your hands together and slowly rubbing his thumb over the top of yours, gently smiling.  “I’m pregnant" you blurted… The silence that followed was almost deafening; Luke just stared at your face with the utmost shocked expression.  "Um, Luke... please say something” you muttered, yet he did nothing. Turning away from him and getting off the bed, you headed towards the door. Just as you reached for the door handle a small voice made you pause... "How sure are you?" he questioned warily. Slowly turning around, you walked to your dresser and pulled open the top draw; taking out a small shoe box and handing it to Luke,  you watched him take out each pregnancy test, a new tear appearing on his face with each one he held.  "There’s 23, all positive” you said after 30 seconds, “What are we going to do Luke? We're both still babies who live with their parents, we can't have a baby" you rambled, over thinking the situation. "My Mother is going to kill me" Luke sighed, staring blankly at the future changer in his lap. 

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