You/He Have A Child From A Previous Relationship *ASHTON*

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You/He Have A Child From A Previous Relationship *Ashton*

A/N: A/N: Sorry Ashton's was longer, it was just how the scene played out. 

Ashton:"...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AMELIA, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" I stood in front of the 2 year old who looked completely startled by the loud singing and floating colours that are more commonly known as balloons. Today was Ashton's daughter Amelia’s birthday and everyone had come to his house to join in the celebration. "Make a wish" I cooed at her as she just smiled at me with her newly introduced teeth. Amelia was beautiful; her daddy's hair, eyes and skin- nearly the exact replica. "So, Y/N how was it?" Ashton inquired later on, referring to the party. Everyone had left by now and it was only me, Ashton and Amelia left. "It was good, I'm proud of you" I replied, snuggling further into his side, Ashton kissing the top of my head,  as we watched the young child play on the ground by our feet. Just as I began to drift off, there was a knock at the door. I got up and left the pair in the front room to answer it. As I opened the door, I was surprised to see Ashton’s ex or more importantly, Amelia's Mom. "Um hello" I greeted as I gave her a confused look. Amelia’s Mum, Frankie, hadn't been in contact since she left Ashton with a baby who was a couple weeks old. She claimed she couldn't cope and just left, which was where I came in as his then best friend to lend a helping hand- oh how times had changed. "Oh hello Y/N is Ashton about?" Frankie asked, looking at me in a surprised manner. ”Yeah he is, but he's playing with his daughter" I replied, emphasising 'his'. Oh this woman disgusted me, who could leave their own flesh and blood? "I wish to discuss something with him, would it be okay if I came in?” I stood to the side and held the door open a bit more so she could come in. As she stepped in, she looked around. "Who’s birthday is it?" she asked, completely oblivious whilst looking at all the balloons, I silently chucked to myself and replied "Amelia's" as she turned to look at me with a shocked expression "oh really?" "Yeah she was two today, we through her a birthday party" I smiled as I lead her through the halls of Ashton's house. "Ash babe, you have a visitor" I shouted through into the living room. I heard the sofa squeak, signalling Ashton getting up from the sofa to come and investigate his secret guest. However, he stopped dead in his tracks as he saw who it was. "What she doing here?" he asked in an angry tone, turning to look at me. "Apparently, she has something to 'discus' with you" I confirmed sarcastically. "I have nothing to say to you" he said turning round to go back to the living room. However, Frankie followed. Once in the living room, she just stood and stared at Amelia but stopped once I had walked in and picked her up, placing her on Ashton’s lap and sitting down, gesturing Frankie to do the same. As she did so, she began to talk. "So I haven't come to cause any trouble and I know your still angry at me" she paused, "but here me out" she said, turning towards Ashton. He did nothing but continue his hard gazing at the wall. Frankie sighed but continued none the less, “Well, basically, I wanted to propose something to you, well to you both really". This made me turn to her, not interested in what she had to say, “I’ve met someone and we're getting married and we plan on having children". This made me scoff, why does this woman believe that she is fit to be a mother? She left the last one. “But in order for us to be able to move on with my life I would like to be able to be gilt free for leaving you with Amelia at such a young age, so I would like for Y/N to adopt Amelia so I know she will always have a Mother”. Ashton and I both turned to look at Frankie with our jaws open. Was this really happening?

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