Chapter 1

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" I mean it's not bad.. " the pink haired girl passed her paper back to the other girl with a bow.

" Yours isn't bad either! " the girl with the bow smiled, " Yours is good, natsuki "

Natsuki blushed slightly but quickly hid it with a grin as she sat up in her seat, very proudly from that response. She gave her honest opinion about it and it wasn't even close to rude to the girl with a bow.

" Oh! I see what you mean.. thank you! " she smiled.

" Of course Sayori " Natsuki grinned while still holding her pride.

Sayori glanced at the other two girls, who were also sharing their poems. She couldn't wait anymore so she ran over and hovered over the girl with a long white bow.

" Monikaaa, are you done? " Sayori pouted as she rested her head on Monika's, " I want to read your poemm "

" Yes, we're done Sayori " Monika giggled and passed the paper back to the girl with long purple hair, " Here you go Yuri "

" T-Thank you.. " she mumbled and retrieved her paper back from the president of the club. Monika and Sayori hurried along to a spot not that far from the others and began exchanging their poems.

Yuri awkwardly stayed in her seat, just staring down at her paper. She was supposed to be sharing her poems with Natsuki but for some reason, they didn't get along much. She doesn't have anything against her but Natsuki is kinda hard to approach.

After a couple of more seconds of siting in silence, natsuki finally sat with yuri.

" Here " Natsuki said casually as she held her paper in front of yuri. The purple haired girl, grabbed the paper while giving her own to natsuki. They both read in silence.

Yuri giggled quietly and automatically, natsuki's eyes shot up from the paper. Their eyes met and quickly, yuri cleared her throat and apologized.

" What's so funny? " Natsuki sat up as she set yuri's poem down.

" I-it's nothing! " Yuri answered shyly, " I just.. this poem is good! "

Natsuki lifted an eyebrow but then shrugged it off, " Thanks.. yours is good too.. "

To yuri, that response sounded a little dull but she decided to not confront her. They give their papers back and patiently waited for the other girls to finish. Natsuki, flipped her paper on it's back and started doodling on the empty side. Yuri watched and hoped that natsuki wouldn't notice.

The purple haired girl, admired the detail natsuki puts in her small sketches. It's not much but it's really eye catching and very cute. Somehow, she ended up looking at natsuki's pink hair and her determined pink eyes. Yuri smiled to herself and thought about how pretty the pink haired girl is.

" Uh.. Yuri? " Natsuki awkwardly called as she met Yuri's eyes. Quickly, yuri got up, apologized again and ran over to the open door that Monika and Sayori were standing by.

" Please excuse me! " Yuri ran through.

Monika glanced out the door, just to watch Yuri hurry to the bathroom.

" Guess someone needed to use the restroom " Sayori also peaked.

Yuri hid in one of the bathroom stalls and held onto her mouth as if she was about to throw up from the embarrassment. She didn't have a clue why she ended up looking at natsuki. It felt strange to her because she never stared at anyone before.

She didn't want to jump into any conclusions just yet so she put it aside. Getting out of the stall and walking up to the mirror to fix her hair, she can slightly still remember that warm but strange feeling she got just from looking at natsuki.

" That was nothing.. " Yuri told herself so she could forget it quickly.

" Yuurrriiii " a voice entered the empty restroom, " You okayy? "

" Y-Yes, I'm alright sayori.. " she answered then walked out.

" Alright everyone! I have an important announcement " Monika began, " Recently.. a girl from our school has been kidnapped so as I, the club president will not let any of us walk home alone.. "

The girls looked at each other.

" So my point is, we're going to be paired up " She finished.

" I'm going with Monika, since our houses are next to each other " Sayori said then took a glance at the other two girls.

" Does.. that mean.. " Yuri's voice drifted away as the thought of being alone with Natsuki was overwhelming.

" I'm gonna be partnered up with Yuri? " Natsuki said blankly before Yuri could.

Monika nodded, " Please. I don't want to lose my friends "

Natsuki and Yuri stayed quiet but monika knew they both agreed to the idea.

" Alright everyone! We'll see each other again tomorrow! " Sayori and Monika waved goodbye as they walked out.

" Are you ready to go? " Natsuki said from the across the room while starting to pack her stuff.

" Y-Yes.. " Yuri spoke with slight hesitation. She grabbed her things that were already ready to go and waited at the door. Natsuki walked over and just like that, they walked quietly out of the school.

Yuri still couldn't believe she was walking home with natsuki but then she kinda saw it coming when Monika finished announcing the idea. She sighed quietly to herself, feeling like she should say something to break the ice but her shyness keeps getting in the way.

" So.. where do you live? " Natsuki glanced at Yuri.

" Tenth street.. " Yuri answered as she twirled the tips of her hair shyly.

" Oh.. hmm.. "

" Wh-Whats wrong? "

" I live at twelfth street.. "

" I'll walk you! " Yuri quickly said. Their eyes met again but Natsuki sighed and continued to look forward.

" I'll be okay.. it's not THAT far anyway " she answered.

Yuri felt like arguing until she said yes but she didn't want to push her buttons. So she kept quiet. Soon they made it to Yuri's house.

" You live here? " Natsuki said as they stopped in front of Yuri's house. Yuri nodded.

" Okay.. well.. I'll cya later then "

" W-Wait! " Yuri called as she quickly looked into her bag. Natsuki lifted an eyebrow then her eyes slightly widen when Yuri pulled out a stylish pocket knife.

" Wh-What.. why do you have a pocket knife?! " Natsuki jumped a little.

" J-Just take it please.. since you'll be walking alone.. " Yuri said as she handed over the pocket knife.

With her hand slightly quivering, Natsuki grabbed the knife. Yuri showed her how to open and close it without cutting herself. Soon after that, Natsuki began walking home.

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