Preface (first part)

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The poems I write in this book aren't to intentionally scare people. I'm vaguely aware that these poems are all horrifyingly sad, and they may leave you a tad discombobulated (my favourite word; I use it all the time, hehehe). I just write with the flow — whatever comes out of my heart, I type down onto here. Sometimes, a poem may take me 5 minutes to write. Sometimes, much, much longer. I wanted to address serious issues — not sappy, — Joey didn't get his first kiss from his dream girl — lovey-dopey crap. I'm not against romance, don't worry; I just don't strongly bond with this genre. I mainly spend my time snuggling, or probably hiding underneath my bed covers (like, I'm doing now) at 2am — when I should be snoozing my head off because I wake up at 5:45am for school — reading thriller (mainly, psychological and crime thriller).

Now, I'm a hands down fan on serial killer drama. Personally, I think getting to know the elements of the killer, and what triggered that person to start this horrible trail of genocide, is rather — as strangely as it sounds — appealing. I mean, come to think upon the matter deeply, criminals or people who have been trailed or punished from justice, are regarded as people with no moral standards or feelings whatsoever.

Yes, I agree with you — they've done bad (well, most of them. Some innocents are sadly punished for a crime they did not commit) — but that doesn't make them a bad person.

I don't know about you, but, in my opinion, there's no such belief or conduction of 'some people are born evil'; I believe it's not true. Rationally, human beings develop from the environment they are brought up in, their genetic information and influences from other people.

I'm not saying they're in the right to kill — heck, no — what I'm trying to point out is that criminals, just like the rest of the human species — have the same instincts that we do. Quite frankly, it's IMPOSSIBLE to murder someone without a form of mental issues. That's why you see gangsters because many of them grew up in brutal, abusive homes. Or that's why you see serial killers because many of them have lost the life of a loved one or have suffered badly through out their life.

Many may not believe me. But, really take a moment to ponder — don't you think criminals need mental help? It's merely impossible to kill people, right? You don't just wake one morning, like, "OOOH, I'm really feeling the urge in my spirit to KILL today"

I mean, maybe in high school drama, but in reality, killing — as scary as it sounds — needs planning. Now, I'm not encouraging y'all to start planning on the murder of your most bitchest teacher. What I'm trying to say is, criminals deserve to be respected more. They're not animals — they're human beings, and deserve to be treated like one.

I bring up sensitive topics because I think it's vital that we address the rising issues, regarding our mental state and wellbeing rather than looking at the basic principles.

So, the moral of this long rant is, don't judge a book by its cover. Everyone has the right and dignity to do whatever the hell they want. However, what we do will ALWAYS have an impact. Therefore, judging people who have done bad has a greater impact than the actual crime they had committed.

Treat people the way you'd like to be treated!

- Deborah x

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