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Edit: sorry, I unpublished cuz I made a few errors. HEHEHEHEEHEHE
Sorry, I keep spamming, hehehe. I should really go to bed — it's past 2am where I live. But, I just wanted to let you guys know — and heck, I think I'm doing quite well with updates — that I will be posting a book on happy poems (tbh, I rarely, rarely write happy poems, so I want to start doing that) and I'm also publishing a rant book— it's more of a monologues, letters, opinions, debatable type of book. I don't have a name for that yet. Sorry. But, yh... Stay tune for that.

And, YESSS, I will go to sleep now because I'm definitely going to sleep past my alarm (like I have been for the last 2 weeks. Oops).


- Deborah x

PS: it is actually pronounced DEH-BO-RAH, but here in England and I'm assuming it's the same in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US, it's pronounced as DEB-RAH. But, I'm so used to it being pronounced DEB-RAH, and I'm too tired to object... Although, strangely enough the rest of Europe, Africa and Asia pronounce DEH-BO-RAH. I suppose it's because I am African, but looool, I really don't care whatever name pronunciation you use. If it makes life easier, you can just call me Debs. Just don't call me Deb — that annoys me...

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