Chapter 2

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Elizabeth's pov.

I changed out of my paper uniform and into my extra cloth uniform. I had already called my brother and arranged to be picked up with Bella's or well my children's I had him pick up Marceline and Justin's car seats from Bella's house that I would be staying at and we would be going to the Cullen's house.

I held a child in each arm and placed then into the car seats with my brother smiling in the mirror at me.

"Look who is being motherly already." he commented. Doctor Cullen was in the car ahead of us and he wasnt to happy that I got the children and not his daughter.

"What can I say I love babies." I sat between them and held there tiny hands. the where only a month old and had lost both parents. "just follow behind Doctor Cullen."

It took us about a half hour to get to his house and we where greeted by Esme. They really didn't remember me but Emmet had a look of guilt when he saw Luke. Doctor Cullen get Bella out of his car and walked ahead of us to put her in there guest bedroom. i got Justin out while Luke got Marceline.

"Hello it is nice to meet you." Esme said while she lead me and my brother into there house. I saw the rest of the Cullen's and Edward did not look happy.

"Really mom more humans." he said in a tone only supernaturals could hear.

"Don't judge a book by its cover Eddie boy." I muttered as I sat down with Justin.

"How do you to know us!? It's freaky." Alice whined.

"Well somebody doesnt remember us." I pouted as I got out a bottle for Justin and one for Marceline.

"Explain then please." Doctor Cullen came back into the room.

"Gladly." I smiled as I started my tale. "well it all started when a family moved into my home town of Salem Oregon. the father worked at the local hospital where my mother worked. Since they where both none humans they got along easily. Anastasia Silver often took her two 10 year old twins to there house where Esme, Carlile and Anastasia would talk while the girl twin Elizabeth would play dolls with Rosalie and Alice, while The boy twin Luke would wrestle with Emmet and Jasper. Edward would usually watch both in amusement. One day the family left though and the twins didnt understand why. You see, they where half breeds who didnt know about vampires yet. The children grew up to be wonderful 20 year olds and tell the story of how they know the Cullen's to the forget full vampires." I smiled at the end and when to burp Justin. I sat him down and waited for there responses and as expected Esme squished me into a hug while Luke punched Emmet in his arm.

"Good to see you guys again" I said as I heard a laugh in my mind.

I'm not so sure you should trust them.

'I know but they have to think that. they haven't seen the volturi necklace yet.'

Okay you just need to stay safe or I will take over.


I spent most of the day with the Cullen's and catching up.

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