Chapter 4

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Elizabeth's pov.

I woke to Felix shaking me awake.

"Come on, get up. we need to meet Alec and your brother before we start our long drive to Volturia."

"I get it. I'm up. leave me alone." I swatted at him. I went to the bathroom and had a quick shower and got dressed into a pair of white ripped skinny jeans, a purple long sleeved shirt, black converse and a black beanie.

I walked to the kids room to get them ready to find Felix had already beat me to it.

"You ready to go?" he asked as he placed Marceline in her car seat.

"Yep, all my stuff is packed thanks to you." I smiled at him and picked up the two car seats. "I'm gonna sit in the back with them."

"That's fine with me. We will be heading to your brothers house in 2 minutes so let's go before the Cullen's can somehow show up." Felix grabbed Justin from me.

"Don't worry about them. I managed to block there powers for a while." I smirked at his baffled face. We climbed into the car and drove the short distance to my brothers house to see a truck with the same moving unit attached to it. We got out and took the kids inside to help pack.

"Hey sis. Alec is up stairs packing up the guest room. why don't you go help?" he suggested.

"Fine whatever." I walked to the guest room to help. the moment I walked in and closed the door behind me I regretted it.

'Mate' Silver (my demon) said as she saw Alec. He had stopped movin around boxes and just starred at me. I found myself pinned to the door and Alec was right in front of me.

"Mate." he growled out and kissed me. my eyes widened at what was happening before melting into the kiss. My brain filled with a fog as we continued to kiss. I pulled back to breath since I still had to do that. I took my chance and opened the door and ran downstairs. Memories of Seth floated around my mind as the fog cleared. What was I thinking? Seth is my imprint and I already marked him!

I packed stuff from the bathroom and then went to the living room to be with the kids. I sighed.

"Time to go!" Felix shouted as he picked up the kids. I climbed into the car and sat between Marceline and Justin. Felix turned on the radio to some classical music station and within minutes I was asleep.

Alec's pov.

The car was filled with pierce the veil singing and Luke's snores. I focused on the road as best as I could but my mind kept floating back to my mate. I don't even know her name but Im already in to deep.

Well only three hours till we reach Volturia. Plenty of time to think.

Bella's pov

I sat up from the bed I was lying in and looked around. The room was full of people I didn't recognize. I started to panic and jumped into the corner and growled.

"Bella. I know this is different and all but it's me Carlisle. Do you remember me?" Just him telling me his name snapped something in my brain and I stood up straight.

"How can I forget the people that abandoned me." I simply stated as I glared at them. Esme started crying as I just stared at them emotionless. "where are my children?"

"Your sister Elizabeth has custody of them now. Rosalie wanted them but we where legally bound to give them to your sister." Carlisle sighed. "look I don't expect you to forgive us but you have to stay with us until you can control your thirst."

"Fine. and I think I need to hunt now."

"Emmet help her hunt." Carlisle said to his son while smiling.

"This should be fun." Emmet

Elizabeth's pov.


I sat on a stone bench in a beautiful garden filled with black roses. I looked over when I felt a hand on mine. I found Alec sitting next to me and smiling with so much love shining in his eyes.

"Hey Elizabeth. Can I ask you something?" he seemed nervous so I smiled an nodded my head to tell him yes.

"Well I was wondering. Do you love me?" Alec didnt want to meet my eyes.

Do I love him? I have only known him for a few hours yet I feel like I can trust him. I starred into his eyes.

"Yes Alec. I love you."

"Really? I love you too." he appeared to be close to exploding from happiness. he leaned in and I closed the distance and started the kiss.

I opened my eyes and saw Seth begin us with a bouquet of white roses on the ground by his feet before he disappeared.

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