The mind of a Writer

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The mind of a writer is a very confusing and scary place, you must remember that most of us are at least a little bit crazy. Our levels of sanity vary depending on how devoted we are to our craft, from the hobbyists who only write when they have time to those who bleed ink and think about writing every second of their lives. If you were to ask a serious writer a question, you should be prepared for them to start speaking in quotes or analogies for our minds like to make even the most mundane questions sound like lines from a book. Writers are known to wake up in the middle of the night to write story ideas and we are always muttering to ourselves. If we are working on a novel, the characters come to life. We will have conversations with our heroes and even argue with them over the smallest of things. Most people would be terrified of writers if they saw what happens in our minds. So when they say they know what I mean I just smile and nod knowing full well that they have no idea. Anyway, bye my Lovelies, happy writing~Shadow

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