| How you met |

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You were running from a herd of walkers and tripped when you heard horse hooves. "DUCK!" You hear a man yell. You do as told and see the man pull out a gun and start shooting the walkers behind you. After about fifteen were down he circled back around to you. "Hop on." He said as you scrambled up. You threw him your bag and got onto the horse holding on tight to the stranger. "Hi-ya!" He yelled and the horse was running from the walkers. "So what's your name?" He asked you. "Y/N" You say. "Rick." He says back and you ride back to his camp together on the horse.


You were so tired. So hungry. You trudged through the woods with your backpack dragging by your side. You knife was in the other. I could just end it all right here myself you thought staring at the knife in your small, dry hand. You dropped the bag and fell to your knees, holding the knife up to your throat. "I'm sorry." You whisper out to no one. Suddenly your tackled to the ground with your knife getting thrown a good ten feet away from you. "What the hell are you doing?!" A boy around your age yelled at you. "Dieing my way!" You yell back struggling to get free from his tight grip. "What if I can help you?" He asks letting go slightly so he doesn't hurt you. "How can you help me?" You ask, pure bitterness coming out with every word you spoke. "Come back to my camp, and I'll always be there for you." He says getting off you completely and holding his hand out for you to take. You walk behind him, grab your knife and backpack, and say "Where to sheriff?" Since he was wearing the sheriff hat his father gave him.


You were out hunting for yourself when you saw a deer pass through your path. You smile to yourself. Must be the beginning of deer season you thought. You aim your bow at the heart of the creature standing a mere twenty feet away. You were about to let go of the arrow when a different arrow shot through your supper. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" You scream while marching towards the now dead deer. "Who the hell are you?" You hear a gruff, southern accent say behind you. "Who am I? More like who are you? Shootin' up my supper like that?" You yell at him. "Will ya be quiet? The walkers are gonna hear ya!" He hisses at you. "What the hell is a walker?" You say a bit more quietly now. "The dead people. Ya know?" He says annoyed. "You mean the moaners?" You ask raising an eyebrow. "Sure, the moaners." He says back. You hear a few moans from behind you followed by shuffling feet. "Shit." You both whisper under your breath. You take out your bow while he takes out his cross bow. You both start shooting when you run out of arrows. "AWW SHIT!" You yell out in frustration. You pull out your knife and start stabbing walkers when you are almost bit in the shoulder when a green and white arrow goes flying into the walkers head. "Thanks." You mumble to the archer in a angel vest. "Yeah, don't mention it." He says when all the walkers are dead. "So, do ya wanna come back to ma group. Your a pretty good shot and hunter." He says blushing a little but turns quickly so you don't see. "Sure, why not." You say following him back to camp.


You and your best friend were fishing on the rocks by the lake. You were both chatting about the better days when a hand grabbed Y/F/N and took a bite out of their cheek. "Y/F/N!" You scream and try to get to them but someone is holding you back. "LET ME GO!" You kick and punch but they don't let go. Instead they pull you back and rock you back and forth saying soothing things in your ear. By the voice you can tell it's a he. You cry into his shoulder and he picks you up bridal style and carries you back to his camp.


You were walking in the woods when you heard screams. You ran towards the sound and saw a bunch of buildings on fire, walkers and people were everywhere. You looked for the source of the sound and found a small blonde girl getting chased by two walkers. You took out your knife and stabbed the walkers. The girl ran to you, thanking you for saving her. "Yeah it's no biggie miss. Now, follow me if you want to leave here alive." You say sounding really cheesy but not caring. She follows you limping. You groan and tell her to get on your back. "But I'll be too heavy." "Sweetheart, your fine." You say as she hops on. You start running and make it to the highway where you meet the rest of her group.


You were running holding onto your arm where you had been stabbed. You had lost track of how long you were walking for when you saw it. A farm house with people! You started running, only falling a few times due to blood lose. You finally make it to the door when you collapsed. The last thing you saw was a short haired girl rushing to your side calling for someone named Hershal. When you came to the same girl was washing your face with a towel wearing a smile. "Hey gorgeous." You mumble out a little groan escaping your lips as she presses a bit too hard on your stab wound. "Hello." She says back. "I'll go tell my father that you're awake." She says leaving the room.

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