| Dating them would include |

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-Helping out with Carl and Judith

-Carl is the OG shipper

-Lots of hugs from behind

-Date nights

-Him doing whatever he can to keep you safe

-Him being the one to teach you how to use a gun



-You putting his hair up in ponytails and man buns

-You stealing his hat and plaids all the time

-Lots of cuddles


-Being each others first kiss

-Him being super worried whenever you go on runs

-Him always sharing his food with you to make sure you eat enough


-"Stop touching my hair Y/N!"

-Him teaching you how to hunt and track

-Daryl being overprotective of you

-Not a lot of PDA, but overtime will hold your hand on runs when you guys are a good way ahead of the group, or give you a quick peck on the lips in front of Rick and Carol.

-Lots of make-up sex

"Go take a shower." "Only if you take one with me Sunshine."

-Having deep conversations at 3 am when you both can't sleep


-You stealing his baseball cap

-Falling asleep together when your supposed to be on watch duty

-Sex in strange places

-Crying together whenever someone in the group dies

-You getting mad at Rick whenever he makes Glenn be the bait

-"What time is it?" "I don't know Y/N you have my pocket watch."

-Him getting mad whenever you go on a run without him


-"Show me your wrists." "Why?" "So I know you didn't do it again Beth, that's why."

-Cooking together

-Her teaching you how to work on a farm

-Lots of cuddles

-Always has at least one child around that isn't even yours

-Getting jealous of Daryl all the time

-Proving to Hershal that you aren't that bad of a person 


-"Wanna have sex?" "Sure."

-Going places you aren't supposed to go

-Writing cheesy love poems to her just to make her laugh

-Always being the first one to apologize since she never does it

-Tending to the horses with her

-Going on runs with her just to make sure that she's okay

-Standing up to Hershal whenever he tells Maggie that she can't go on the next run

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