first "date"

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Rick Grimes:


Rick would take you out on a picnic by the inner fences where the walkers aren't. He made as much "fancy" food as he could using what was in the kitchen, which was basically baloney sandwiches and a little salad with very brown lettuce. He kept apologizing and saying that he wishes he could've done more but he had limited resources. It turned out to be a fun night, ending with a food fight, little kisses, watching the stars, and falling asleep in each other's arms.

"You did not just throw the salad I worked so hard on at me."

"You're right, I didn't, because I also threw the sandwich."

"I'm so gonna get you back."

Carl Grimes:

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Carl Grimes:


Carl would take you to the old playground, where he saw some kids playing the other day. He brought his Walkman, Burton Cummings cassette, and his old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books. He sat you down on the swings and you both had a competiton to see who could go higher, him letting you win. You both then sat on the slide, you on his lap, reading the comic book with each of you having one ear bud in to listen to I Will Play A Rhapsody. He took your hand and stood you both up, he pulled you to his strong, safe chest and slow danced the whole song with you, trying to dip you at the end but ended up falling with you instead, you both laughing the whole time.

"Raphael is my favourite, because he's no dangerous and lives on the edge."

"No way, Donnie is way better, he's got the brains and helps everyone out in the group."

"In your dreams bubba, Ralph is the better one."

"Forget the turtles, dance with me Y/N, I love this song. My dad took me to his concert when I was little and this is the one song I vividly remember."

Daryl Dixon:

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Daryl Dixon:


Daryl would take you riding on his motorcycle, then take you hunting and then to a diner at the local town nearby. He would wash his bike and make it look nice for you, polishing it with some old car wax he found in the shed Hershel said he could go through. He also found a helmet for you to wear and polished that up too. He told you to hang on tight and drove fast down the road, letting the wind fly through his long hair. He pulled over at a little clearing in the woods and he grabbed his crossbow. He took your small hand in his much larger one and guided you to his usual hunting spot. He taught you how to hold the weapon and how to shoot it, giving you small shoulder and neck kisses from behind when you did something right. Then he took you to a small diner he raided of walkers a day before and sat you down at a booth he cleaned just for you. He cooked the rabbit you shot and sat down with you, talking into the late night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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