Good news

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To: Amber Fox
From: the YENT.

Dear Amber Fox:

One of the other members has decided last minute that they can't come, we need a new member and we come to recruit you. Your performance on the YENT circuit was astonishing, you would have made it if it weren't for the unfortunate events.
We have the pleasure to invite you to join the YENT (Youth Equestrian National Team) after seeing your outstanding performance in the  circuit. If you decide to receive this, you will be receiving a scholarship to attend the Iron Hooves Academy where you will be attending seventh grade. You are to arrive to Iron Hooves Academy by August the fifteenth with your horse, his or her equipment, and all you will be needing for yourself. We remind you that you will be in a dorm, we will leave your information down below. You are not to forget the student card we provided, it will grant you the access to buy or to rent stuff in the campus. Your horse that you tried out with, will be staying in the section of the stables provided to the YENT members; if you decide to enter another horse you will be in charge of paying it. You must send your horse at least three days before your arrival, contact us and we will send a truck to pick up your horse(es) and it's stuff. You will be training with Ms. Steel in the show jumping, your main discipline. We will be waiting for you on August the fifteenth!
*please contact us soon so that we can send a truck for your hors(es).*

Dorm: Pine Hollow
Dorm monitor: Lisa
Roommate: Heather Atwood- 375 556 2491-*not real e-mail or phone number*
Main dorm rules:
* no boys
*lights out at 10:30
*no cooking in side the room
*room has to be organized (it will be checked).

If you have any other inquiries, call 311 893 5124 *not real number* or write to *again, not real mail*

I was in shock, all this time I thought that getting into the YENT was a long lost dream, but here I was standing holding the acceptance letter to it.
I walked through the door into my house, my eyes fixed to the letter, I had read it at least five times already. I went up the stairs on autopilot, I was heading to my room when my mother asked.
"Honey, are you okay?" She sounded worried.
"Yes, Amber, you are pale." Heather, my best friend complimented.
"Of course I am okay! Look at this!" I said taking my eyes of the letter and handing it over to my mom, she read it silently before squealing and running over to hug me
"You are in the YENT!!" She said excitedly
"Really?" Heather asked before taking the letter and reading it.
"Oh my god! We are roommates!" She squealed
"yes, I know!" I said. I was unable to wipe the grin off my face.
Just then, Jess, my sister came in.
"Hey, what's all the commotion?" She asked confused, without saying anything, I handed the letter over to her.
"Amber, this is amazing! It is what you have been waiting for! I am so happy for you." She said hugging me "Mom, why don't you call so that they can pick Mandala up?" Jess asked
"And Eclipse too" I added as I ran off with heather to pack. I was leaving on Saturday morning, and before that date I was going to have to pack for myself and for my two horses. I decided to pack for my horses since they would leave earlier.
Mom drove us to the barn and I ran for the tack room, I was going to get my saddle when I saw Lucy sitting there. Lucy was my ex-best friend, we had fought when she got her new horse and then she became Alison's sidekick.
"Amber? May I talk to you?" She asked standing up.
"Uh, sure" I said.
I will get Eclipse and Mandala ready heather mouthed to me and I nodded.
Lucy led me to Elizabeth's office where we sat and Lucy started.
"I am so sorry Amber, I was so rude. I shouldn't have bragged about Saturn and all, and I shouldn't have pushed you to that stupid game that made you loose your chance at the YENT and it cost you Mandalas well being.You have always been a good friend to me, and I shouldn't have ever turned my back to you. I hope you forgive me. Because I was so rude and I am going to live your defeat and not mine, I am going to call the YENT and tell them that I am going to drop out. You deserved your spot there, not me." She said, now she was almost sobbing
"Lucy, I really appreciate this, but you don't have to drop out because I am going as well" I told her and I put my arm around her. "I forgive you, and I am sorry, I was a jerk, I was jealous that you got Saturn and I over reacted. Now that it is over, can else be friends again?" I asked, I really wanted Lucy back as my friend. She nodded and agreed to help me pack, with two people helping me, I was going to be ready in no time!

Hello everyone! For those who don't know, this is the second book in the Flying Change series, the first is called Jealousy, make sure to check that one out before you continue with this one. I would love if you voted or commented, it makes my day! I hope you like this new story with the new plot. Enjoy, bye! ~ Lilaph

A second chance ~ Book 2 in the Flying Change series~Where stories live. Discover now