Head rider+Ms. Steel=preassure

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After a few weeks in the academy, I had already got the hang of how things worked... except being the head rider. During the lessons I had to look at what mistakes the other riders did and point them out and if they didn't improve during the rest of the lesson I had to tell Ms. Steel. I also was working really hard on school and on both my horses, a show was coming up and it was the qualifier to the reagionals.
If we qualified, we would be traveling all around America making our way to the top, that was only if we qualified. The show circuit was in teams, so we were to represent The United States as a team. We really needed to work on working as a team and not working as individuals.
Today I had a lesson, so I tacked up Mandala and went out to the ring. I put my foot in the stirrup and swing into the saddle. The lesson transcurred smoothly, though I did notice some things that I needed to help the team improve when I dismounted, I wrote them down in my phone. As I was writing the last sentence, Ms. Steel called me to her office. Questions bubbled in my head, what did she need? Was I getting scolded? Was it bad? Was I good? What if I lost my charge as head rider? That last one hurt to think about, I had worked so hard to get in to the academy and when I got a charge as important as head rider, I felt like I belonged, like if I deserved to be here. I gently pushed the door open and I peered inside, Ms.Steel motioned me in and told me to sit.
"How are you doing Amber?" She asked calmly.
"Um, I am good, I am managing all I've got so I am good." I said nervously.
"Okay. So I wanted to tell you that we have a show next week and I don't think the team is ready to compete in it. This show is the qualifier for the regionals, if we pass we will be going to a very big show, but if we don't it will be the first year we don't and it will be your fault. This is just a warning so you won't step on the academy's name." She said sternly. I gulped.
"Yes ma'am. I was going to be making a group lesson thought by me today, I wanted to ask you if I could use the jumping arena today?" I asked quietly.
"Yes, you can. Will you be needing a groom to move the jumps around?" She asked taking out her planner and grabbed a pen to write it down.
"Yes, and i also wanted an adult just in case something goes wrong." I answered and she scribbled down something.
"I like that you put your and your horses safety first. I will tell Mike to help you out." She said with a small smile, she looked pleased that I wanted to stay safe.
"It might be to much to ask... but.... can i get the jumping arena every Wednesday at 4:00 o'clock? If so I would like a groom as well...." I inquired. I wanted to get all the practice we could get.
"Sure, That would be perfect!" She said scribbling on her planner. I left with a smile and went to my dorm and fot out my notebook that contained info on every rider and her horse, there were also their mistakes and what they could improve and things that they did very well. I had an idea to partner them so that they could help each other. I really had to do this well, it was a lot of pressure; from Ms. Steel, the whole school and personal pressure!
I texted all of the members of the team to meet me in the jumping ring mounted.
Twenty minutes later, we were all in the arena. I commanded them to trot as they urged their horses forward. I had them trot for a while before I told them to canter.
"Chloe, you have a death grip on Whispers reins, loosen the reins a bit but keep them taught, this way you will not hold her back but you will still have control over her." This tip seemed to help, after Chloe loosened her reins, Whisper moved more swiftly and faster.
I noticed that Bri started struggling when Echo put his head down, and no matter how hard Bri rugged on the rein, he wouldn't put his head up.
"Bri, when he puts his head down squeeze with your leg and tug shortly but sharply on the outer rein and don't pull on the rein until his head is low. If you are pulling on the reins all the time, he will want to take the pressure off so he puts his head down." Isidra to her hoping it would work, and it kind of did, I still wanted to talk to Ms. Steel to see if it was a problem of the bit. I finished the lesson and in the end, all of them improved tons, doing this every day, we would make it to regionals, and maybe win!

Hi guys! I finally had rime to publish a chapter!! I hope you liked the way I incorporated some riding tips that might help you into this chapter.
I wanted to tell you that in the next chapter, there is going to be a big time skip, there are going to be in the qualifier for regionals which is almost a month away form now.
Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment and mots if all don't forget to smile!
Love you and see you in the next chapter, bye!! ~Lilaph

A second chance ~ Book 2 in the Flying Change series~Where stories live. Discover now