Short but hard

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I woke up and got dressed. Heather was ready at about the same time as me so we both went to The Plaza and we entered the Sweet Shop where we joined Bri and Lucy at a table after ordering a blueberry muffin and a cappuccino. We ate in science until Bri broke it.
"Who do you have as a home room teacher?"
"Um" I said taking out my phone and scrolling through my pictures trying to find the picture I took of the schedule after Iris handed it to me.

7:55-8:10: homeroom with Mrs. Winterstep.
9:100-10:10: math
10:10-10:30: break
10:30-11:30: elective
11:30-12:30: language
You will ride according to your riding schedule.

"My home room teacher is Mrs. Winterstep. Yours?" I announced to my friends which looked down at their phone to look at their schedule.
"Me as well" Lucy said
"Same here!" Heather said. Relive washed through me, my closest friends were in my class. I was worried about how school would be because they said it was extremely hard. I may have been a straight A girl before, but now was different.
"I also have with her." Bri said. A smile speed through my face as well as through the ones of my friends. We left The Plaza and walked our way to the main building where a kind woman directed us to the principals office so that we could chose the elective we wanted.

The principles office was stunning, on her desk was a little horse figure madape out of metal that holder the papers in place and her coaster was a horse shoe stuck on a cork cut to the size. Hanging above the desk was a picture of some one and a horse jumping, I guessed the rider was her a couple of years ago.
"Is that you in the picture?" I asked curiously
"Yes, that was a few years back" she answered looking up at the picture. "That horses name was Storm, he was a great horse. We picked up a couple of blue ribbons together!" She said chuckling at the thought. In the paper she gave me, I ticked the option Art, I liked to draw so I chose it.
I closed the office giving her a smile. We walked to our home room class on the third floor.
"What did you choose for electives?" I asked.
"I chose Theater" Lucy said
"I chose Art" Bri answered.
"Me too!" I said excitedly
"I chose music, I would really like to learn how to play the piano" Heather said as we walked in the home room class. We chose our seats as Ms. Winterstep started talking about the school rules. We finished by introducing ourself and then we got dismissed. We found our way to the biology classroom and sat down. I took out my green notebook and my pens as the teacher walked in.
"Hi I am Mr. Keating, your biology teacher. Put all your stuff away, we are going to do a diagnostic test to see how good you are at biology" He announced as he passed the tests to us.
The test wasn't that hard, but I hesitated in a few.
The three domains of living things. Easy! I wrote.
The three domains are Bacteria, Eukarya, and Archea.
Four kingdoms of Eukarya. Ummm... I wasn't sure so I wrote down
Animalia, Plantae, Fungi and Bacteria. I wasn't very sure, I knew I was going to get that wrong. I finished the test unsure of how I did. Bri, Heather, Lucy and I walked to math in silence, I guess we were all worried about how math would go. We entered the class and we did a pair work about fractions, Ms. Hachè said that next class would be harder and that today was only to refresh our minds. When she said that I gulped. We got dismissed to break. We went out and sat in one of the tables near the gazebo and ate our snack. I had bought a chocolate chip cookie in the Sweet Shop this morning as snack. It was delicious! I tried a pice of the triple chocolate brownie that Lucy had got and made a mental note to get that brownie. We finished our snack ad went to our different electives. I walked into my Art class wit Bri. We sat down next to each other and took punt a sketch book and a pencil. We did a free drawing that we wold later improve and paint on a canvas. I drew Eclipse and Mandala grazing, I loved how it looked and so did the teacher, Lilian. Art had been the easiest class so far! We got to Languages class, this year we would be working on Spanish with Mr.Rodriguez. I took out my text book and a notebook and I took notes about the articles we had learnt today that were: el, la, ellos, ellas, los, las. Mr. Rodriguez spoke so fast it was hard to understand and much less copie! I have to say that I could understand a few things since I had taken few Spanish clases back home. Finally school was over and up I could go ride. I noticed that although school wasn't that long, it was going to be hard!

In my room I changed into my breeches and I put in my tall boots and grabbed my helmet. In the stables I tacked up Eclipse and went to the ring. Ms. Steel said that today we were going to see how we worked and I could look at the things we needed to work on. I was excited!

Hey everyone! How have you liked A second chance so far? Vote if you have liked it! I wanted to ask you all how you like the chapters in terms of length. Do  you like the short (400-600 w) or medium length (700- 1.000 w) or do you like them long (1.000+ w)? Comment what you like so that I can adjust the number of words to your liking. (The number of words doesn't include the a/n).
I love you all and thanks for the 200 reads on this book, you guys keep on to amaze me!~Lilaph

A second chance ~ Book 2 in the Flying Change series~Where stories live. Discover now