Victory? I don't think so.

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I want to give a shout out to TiaandBella88 for all the nice comments!

We had made it! Kind of.....We had done quite bad, ninth out of ten....
I tried to smile but i couldn't; Ms. Steel was probably going to be mad at me and Alison, well, Alison was going to rub it in my face that Mistfall Stables (where she rode) had come in first. I quickly loaded my horses in the trailer wanting to get out before Alison had the chance to make me feel bad.

I was opening the door to the seat of the trailer ready to go, when I heard a familiar voice, Alison's. Ugh! I sighed and turned around to see a smirk painted on my enemy's face.
"What do you want, Alison?" I asked trying to stay calm.
"Congratulations on getting past the qualifiers! Oh, wait! You almost didn't make it!" She smirked.
"Oh my goodness! Thanks! Not." Why don't you mind your own business?" I spat.
"Oooo. Little sweet Amber is loosing her temper!" She taunted. Just shut up now!
I rolled my eyes at her comment

I ignored that comment and got in the truck. Every who was in the truck was smiley and happy, I didn't know why though.

"Amber?" Chloe said catching my attention "Why are you so glum? Why aren't you happy that we qualified? I thought that's what you wanted... Right?"

"Well... Yes... but, I wanted to leve a good impression, which we didn't. And Alison came over to me and rubbed her victory in my face, and next show we will do very good that's why we ande going to practice very hard and we are going to have a neights you will have time to change and get to your classes,

"You girls have to work harder at riding. Just as Amber said, I will want you to work in the morning, I was thinking from seven to eight so you will have time to change and get to your classes." Ms. Steel said agreeing to my comment.

I was lost in my own thoughts for the rest of the ride, I only snapped out of them when the perfectly trimmed rushed at either side of the truck came into view. I hoped off and shut the door of the truck and headed to open the back doler to release the horses.

I clipped the lead rope on both my horses halters and led them out to the cross ties, where I planned to give them a good groom.
I started with Eclipse and I ran the curry comb in circles throughout his entire coat loosening the hairs. Then I got a body brush and flicked those hairs off, and lastly I passed the soft brush to leve him shiny. Not forgetting picking his hooves; I ran my hand down his black leg and reached the white sock by the fetlock, I squeezed lightly asking him to list his leg. I picked his hooves avoiding his frog and took him out to the pasture. Giving him a last pat, I said " you were a good boy, thanks for not letting me down. I respected the process on Mandala and I clipped on both of their lead ropes and took them out to the pasture. I unlatched the gate and led them to the middle where I let them loose. As soon as the halter was off them, they galloped away and through a few bucks for good measure. I chuckled to my self and went back to the stables to meen up with Heather.
"What a long day!" Heather exclaimed as we walked back to the dorm.
"Yep. It was a long day." I said as we walked in silence to the dorm. As soon as I opened the door, I walked to my bed and layed down on it taking a deep breath, after letting myself relax for a split second I sat up.
"Are you okay Amber?" Heather asked gently. I heard concern in her voice.
"Yes. Yes I am. It's just... everybody is acting like if we won the Olympics, when we didn't even make the top five! And, I'm stressed out, I feel like we didn't make it in the top five because I didn't work hard enough to train us." I replied tears blurred my vision. I tried to hold them back but one rolled down my cheek.
"If you want tomorrow I can help you plan the lessons so that you can give them to Ms. Steel as soon as possible, that way, we can get training and fighting for our spot." Heather offered with a small smile and then added " what about we take a shower and get cleaned up and then we order treats from the Sweet Shop to eat during we watch a movie?"
"Sounds like a plan!" I said wiping my tears away and smiling.

After a long warm shower, I went out and changed into some comfy clothes and grabbed a dryer and a brush to dry and style my light brown wavy hair. Heather came out of the bathroom and a couple of minutes later, Kris was at the door with what we had ordered from the Sweet Shop. I got into my bed and my roommate/ best friend accessed Netflix browsing for a movie to watch. We settled to watch Flicka 3, the best in the Flicka movies.

After an hour and a half of movie I pulled my covers over my self and tried to fall asleep although it was hard, I couldn't stop thinking of the failure of today. Everyone on the YENT team looked at the placement like a victory; I didn't think so.

I fell asleep determined to wake up tomorrow at six and go riding first thing in the morning.

Hello fellow readers! I finally posted a new chapter!!
I am thinking of rewriting the first chapters of Jealousy, and I wanted to know what you thought before I make any changes. My plans are to make them longe (since they are only 200-300w) and to make them more explanatory and eye catching for my new readers. Tell me in the comments what you think of this idea!

Soooo, about next chapter..... I'm adding a new character!!! This character is going to be important for Amber, this character is going to encourage her to help the team win.... if you have an idea of who this character might be, tell me in the comments and the one who is the closest will receive a shout out in both my book and my profile!

I also want to give you a challenge. It would be really amazing if by my birthday (March 1) we get this book to 1.5k reads.

Anyways... thank you for reading this chapter, don't forget to comment and vote! Bye!

A second chance ~ Book 2 in the Flying Change series~Where stories live. Discover now