Chapter 6

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Millie pov

I wake up and look at the clock on my nightstand. It reads 1:30 p.m.. Holy crap. I need to take a shower and everything! I go over to my closet and take out a peach colored tank top, a teal and red striped crop top, some jeans, and bikini. I was gonna go to the pool. I grab my brush as well and do my hair before getting in the shower. Once I'm finished with that, I take everything and walk to the bathroom, strip down, and step into omy hot, running shower.

Suddenly, I hear a flute playing. A flute? I start feeling sleepy again, but since I'm in the shower, the water and heat keep me awake. The music stops after a couple minutes. It was a nice melody. It sounded like a lullaby. I finished up my shower and stepped out, grabbing the towel I had left on the hook. I grab my clothes, put them on, and grab my blow-dryer and dry my hair. I walk back into my bedroom and place my clothes in the hamper. Going to the kitchen, I hear somebody come in my luxury room. I grab the package of bacon and walk back out to see who it is. It's Jinx.

"Hey! What's up?" I greet her. "Finally you're awake! We were going to go to the pool and hot tubs and were wondering if you wanna come?" She offers. "Yeah sure! I was going to go anyways. Just let me eat some bacon first. You want some?" I ask. "Yeah sure."And with that I walk back into the kitchen and open up the bacon. I turn on the stove, grab a frying pan and place it and the bacon on the stove. I grab two potatos as well. I take out my cutting board and begin skinning them and cutting them into small slices. "Can I help? I don't wanna just sit here and watch you do it by yourslef." Jinx asks. "Sure!" I take out my second cutting board that I have in case I wanna make potatos or desert or something else and the first one is dirty, and give it to her. I hand her the second potato and potato peeler. She starts peeling. I place the knife next to her cutting board for when she's ready.

Eating the now cooked bacon, I place the potatos onto the pan after pouring the bacon grease into a jar. "This bacon is really good." I say. Jinx nods her head in agreement.


We have leftover food, so I wrapped it on the plate and brought the food we didn't touch to the pool. I walk in and they all see me with the food. "FOOD!" Mitch screams before tackling me for it. I jump out of the way and Mitch faceplants into the floor. "Oooo. Sorry Mitch!" I say, seeing him yell 'OW!' in pain. "Ow." He says again. He stands up and grabs the plate from me and runs into the locker room. "OH HEEEEELL NAW! YOU AIN'T GETTING AWAY WITH THAT FOOD!" I scream. I run after him and enter the locker room. I see mitch run over to the showers. I follow him over there, quietly so he doesn't hear me. The other guys were already out there in the pool swimming. I peak around the corner and see something I don't need to see. Andrew is taking a shower in the single one.

"AHHH! OH MY GOD I'M TOO YOUNG TO BE SEEING THIS! OFFICIALLY SCARRED FOR LIFE!" I turn and run. "SCREW TI! MITCH YOU CAN HAVE THE FOOD!" I run out of the locker room and everybody is staring at me. I shudder. "I am officially scarred for life. I saw something I can't ever unsee. It. Was. HORRIFYING!" I say. Mitch comes out. "I knew you would fall for that so Andrew stayed and turned on the shower right before you came in." He says. "I don't want to go swimming anymore." I  said. Andrew comes out too. "Sorry about that. Hehe." He says. "Whatever." "Don't act like you didn't like it." "EW! PERVERT!" I slap him. "I'm going in the hot tub." I walk over with Lizzy and Alanna and strip down to my wonder woman bikini.

Andrew's nose starts to bleed. "Are you guys KIDDING me?!" I say, seeing his and Jason's noses start to bleed. "Just go clean yourselves up in the locker rooms!" I say, turning back away from the pervs. "Hey, what's that on your arm?" Andrew asks, nose still bleeding. I look to what he's pointing at. "Oh, that's my tattoo I got after we graduated! It's the Humunculi symbol from the anime Fullmetal Alchemist. Or as us anime fanatics call it, FMA for short" I say. "Oh okay." He replies, walking into the locker room with Jason. "Seriously though, perverts these days." I tell Lizzy and Alanna.

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