chapter 8

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Chelsea's POV

After the carnival, I ended everything I ever started with Harry. There was still feelings there, but I wasn't prepared to throw away everything with Niall, for Harry. I did feel quite bad, and Harry seemed pretty torn about it. I wanted to be with Niall, and I would do anything to make him forgive me. I would try my hardest. That night, I slept on Niall's doorstep, hoping he would invite me in eventually. But no. He didn't pay any attention.

Niall's POV

I sat at home after the day of the carnival, crying my eyes out. I listened to some voicemails Chelsea had sent me, saying that she loves me and wants me to forgive her. But I was so focused on what I saw to even consider forgiving her. I ended up on twitter. I didn't want to tweet or anything, but I was so angry, I just had to. I tweeted 'Why? Why would someone hide something like that?' I felt like a complete dick. I didn't really want to speak or even listen to Chelsea, or Harry. But I knew I still loved her.

Victoria's POV

I invited Chelsea to stay at mine and Zayn's house for a few days, she didn't eat or drink, just lay in bed, all day everyday. Zayn and I were sat downstairs, watching telly, while Chelsea was asleep. Zayn pulled me closer to him. He pulled one of my legs over him so that I was sitting on his lap. My legs were wrapped around his waist. Zayn pulled me by my neck, closer to his face. Now our lips were only a few centimeters away from each others. He leaned forward, so that our lips were now together. I could feel how much Zayn loved me. I could feel Zayn's hand near my stomach, nearly undoing my shirt. Just as he undone the first button, there was a bang from the room above, Chelsea's room.

I sprinted up the stairs, as fast as my legs could carry me. Zayn was infront. He opened the door, and I saw Chelsea, lying on the bedroom floor having what looked to be a fit. Zayn picked her up by her arms, and I took the legs, putting her gently onto the bed she had layed in for the past 2 days. We tried to calm her down, but she still didn't wake up. 'Babe, please call an ambulance.' I asked Zayn. He rushed downstairs and rung 999. I lay there next to Chelsea, asking her to wake up. Within 10 minutes of Zayn ringing, the ambulance was here. 'Where is she? What happened? How did you find her?' The men were asking. I was so shocked, no words would come out to answer their questions. So Zayn answered for me. 'And what are you to her, Victoria?' They asked. For a minute, I had to think about what we were. 'Um, I'm her bestfriend.' I quickly told them.

'Um, Victoria. Chelsea is in critical condition. We need to get her into the ambulance and to the hospital asap.' They told me. 'Well, Victoria. Do you want to come in the ambulance with her? She might be worried when she wakes up by herself.' I looked at Zayn, and he nodded, as if to say go.

'Can he come with me?' I asked them, pointing at Zayn.

'Yes, we just need to hurry up a bit.' The men said. I was so worried, Chelsea was my bestfriend. What if she didn't wake up? What if I could never speak to her again? What if I can never tell her about mine and Zayn's arguments when I need to? So many questions were rushing through my head.

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