chapter 10

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Victoria's POV

I woke up the morning after Chelsea went into hospital, the only thing I could think of was Niall. What if he wasn't okay? What if he wasn't coping? Zayn told me he would be fine, but I just didn't believe him. 'Do you wanna go and see-'

'Yes.' I inturruped Zayn. Of course I wanted to go and see her. I wanted to make sure she was okay. She didn't even tell me that she had a brain tumour. I don't know why, though. I thought she trusted me, I thought she would tell me something like that. It kills me to think she went through all of it alone. Me and Zayn walked to the hospital, hand and hand. 'Are you sure you're alright to go?' Zayn asked.

'Yeah, of course.' I told him. 'Why wouldn't I be okay?' I thought to myself. Zayn and I walked to the hospital, we only lived a few minutes away. We walked into the hospital, and into Chelsea's room. To find Niall and Chelsea, asleep. Niall lying on Chelsea's stomach. 'Niall. Niall.' Zayn whispered, nudging him. 'Yeah? What happened? Is Chelsea ok?' Niall jumped.

'No, Chelsea's fine. Why don't you go home, and have a proper rest? Me and Vic will stay with her and ring you if anything happens.' Zayn tried convincing Niall to go home.

'No, I need to stay here.' Niall whispered, shaking his head.


'No. Zayn I'm staying here' Niall snapped. 'I have to stay here, by her side incase she wakes up.'

But for the hours that Zayn and I stayed there for, Chelsea didn't wake up. I felt awful for Niall, I just hoped she woke up to sort everything out with Niall. 'Hi, Niall. And friends.' The doctor walked in.

'Hi. Do you have anything?' Niall asked quickly.

'Um, well the only progress we've made is that Chelsea, here has had a brain tumour for a few months, but none of the symptoms of a serious tumour have shown until now.' He told us.

'Do you know how many months has she had it for?' I asked, just as the docotor was walking out of the room.

'Well, it's not 100% but we think about, 3 months. And it is at the most serious, life threatening point it could be at.'

'Ok, thank you.' I said, taking a deep breath.

The beeping sound went off, the beeping sound you here when something serious is happening. 'CHELSEA! CHELSEA! DON'T DO THIS CHELSEA!' I screamed, as Zayn and Niall dragged me out of her room. So many different nurses and doctors were rushing into the room, grabbing different equiptment, I couldn't even tell you the name of them. I was sobbing, I could hardly catch my breath. Zayn pushed my head onto his chest, held my neck and let me cry. He kept kissing my head, trying to comfort me. I could hear Niall sniffing. 'Sorry, Niall.' I cried, bringing myself away from Zayn.

'Don't you dare say sorry, Vic. She's your bestfriend, you have a reason to act like that.' She said, calmy.

'So do you! Don't say you don't have a reason to cry! She loves you with all her heart, Niall. You've been with her for a while, don't you dare say that you don't have a reason to act like I did!' I shouted. 'Sorry. I just don't wanna see my bestfriend, of eleven years die.' I was calming down a bit now. Until the doctor came out.

'Chelsea has gone into a coma. We don't know when she will wake up, but her body can cope with the tumour while she is in a coma. So don't worry.' The doctor told us. I broke down again. Zayn comforting me the way he did before. But this time he was rubbing my back. I pushed Zayn away, and walked over to Niall. So we could try and make each other feel better.

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