Chasing Cars

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"Matthew! Matthew wake up!" someone shook my shoulders.

I blinked and sat up, looking around. The room was weird. So was the bed. It was twin sized and had a thick belt attached to it, as if meant for restraining someone. The walls were painted black, and covered with drawings of....


Tons and tons of drawings, him sad, happy, all emotions all over the walls.

"Where is he?!" My voice was dry and slightly warped.

The woman looked uncomfortable. She was wearing scrubs. You only wear scrubs if you're in the hospital.

"Matthew." her voice was steady and calm, as if she did this all the time.

"Where is Carter?" I raised my voice.

She took a deep breath,"Carter died, remember?"

I felt as if someone was squeezing my brain. As if they just took it into their hands and pushed as hard as they could.

"No, no he was just with me. He was right here with me."

"No Matthew, he wasn't. He drowned in a spring fifteen years ago, remember?"

The memory tried to force itself into my mind, but I wouldnt let it.

"No, you're lying! We were in the Bahamas! We were happy, together!"

"I'm sorry Matthew, but that never happened."

I started sobbing, all these memories making their way into my head, not knowing if they are real or not. My world felt as if it was falling apart, and I was shaking badly.

I kept screaming Carter's name, begging for my true love, my soul mate. His name left my lips over and over, gasping, desperate to have him.

The woman left the room, coming back with a doctor. I tried to get away from him, but he grabbed my arm, giving me a shot with a mysterious blue liquid. My eyes started to droop, and slipped off into fuzziness.

Third Pov

"His schizophrenia is getting worse." The doctor, Dr. Logue, told the woman, Cynthia.

"I know, it's like each time he wakes up new so called 'memories' fill his head."

"That's what schizophrenia does to you. It makes you believe what's real is fake and what's fake is real. It messes with your brain, confusing you and making you believe things that couldn't possibly be true."

"I feel so bad for the man."

----A Few Days Later----

Matt sat staring out the window in the Mental Hospital. His therapist helped him figure out what memories were real, and which werent. It was hard, his mind always trying to make him believe something different, but he worked through it.

Like the coma he was put in so many years ago, that was real. But the trip to London, that was not. Shawn never did become a singer, and went back to Canada before Matt came out of his coma. Taylor went missing a few days after that, and he was never found.

As for Cameron, well turns out he got a modeling contract and left Nash, moving to England. Nash, on the other hand, fell into a deep depression. He lost all his friends, never actually reuniting with Mahogany or even met Jacob. He lost the love of his life, and his best friend was put in a mental hospital. At the age of 22, he commited suicide.

Carter did stay with Matt for awhile. He believed Matt would get better with time, and he just needed someone there to love him. It wasn't until Matthew was deemed mentally unfit and got sent to the mental hospital that he finally realized how serious this was. After visiting Matthew on a very stressful day, he went to the spring. When he jumped into the water, he hit his head on a rock and drowned. His body was never recovered, and the spring was soon filled in with dirt, destroying the beautiful peaceful place.

Matthew, now 35 years old, spent his days either believing memories he never actual had, or staring out a window, fiddling with a tiger toothed necklace in his hands. No one knew how he got it, and every time it was taken away he appeared with it again a few hours later.

"Matthew?" the woman, Cynthia, softly asked him,"Would you like to come eat dinner?"

He shook his head, staring out at the sky. The sun was setting, creating beautiful colors. Cynthia walked away, but not before hearing Matthew.

"Let's waste time," he quietly sang," Chasing Cars, around our heads."

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