Naw Nigga

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Third Pov(I normally don't like writing in third Pov buh I feel it works better for the story.)

That night was the first night Matt didn't wake up screaming from terrifying images filling his mind. Instead he slept soundly, wrapped in Carters arms, knowing he was safe.

Carter would protect him.

The sun shone through the window, but was blocked by the heavy black curtains Matt had put up. Carter stood up softly, trying not to wake Matt, and made his way to the opaque cloth. He moved them aside, letting the light fill the dark room. It felt warmer, brightening up his mood.

"Carter." Matt pulled a pillow over his head.

"It's nice though, right?"

"It's very nice, but I haven't actually slept in ages."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry." he quickly closed them again, making sure no light could get through.

"Come lay with me." Matt's voice was muffled, flowing out quietly from underneath the pillow.

Carter went back to the bed, laying down and pullin Matt back into his arms. Matt chuckled lightly, something he hasn't done in awhile, and snuggled his head into Carter's neck.

Quietly, they layed there, silence once again filling the dark room.

"Matt?" Carter spoke after awhile.

He grunted in response.

"We should go do something. Just you an mean."

Matt looked up,"What do you mean?"

Carter sat up a bit,"Let's go on a vacation. Just get away from everyone, everything. We can go somewhere nice and warm. Relax on a beach, peaceful. Happy."

Matt thought about it.

"That does sound nice."

"So let's do it!"

"Ok, I don't see why not."

Carter got out of bed, much to Matt's protests, and grabbed his computer. He sat on the edge as heir powered up, and Matt crawled over next to him, squinting at the bright screen.

"Where should we go?" Carter turned to Matt, his fingers playing with his messy hair.

"Um, well I've always wanted to go to the Bahamas."

"The Bahamas it is!"

He went to a travel site and booked the date, which was three days from now. They would be staying on The Berry Islands, which was very secluded.

"We need to pack!" Matt jumps out of the bed and flings open the curtains. The light sprinted in, making the room seem to glow for a few seconds.

Carter groaned and held his eyes shut for a few minutes, leering them get use to the unexpected brightness.

"Someone's excited."

Matt turned to Carter, and had a Large smile on his face, a genuine one. He took the computer and set it on the ground before straddling Carter's waist.

"I love you." his voice was angelic, as sweet as honey.

Carter smiled,"I love you too."

Their lips met, not lustfully but definitely passionately. Soft, little kisses soon turned into larger ones, becoming a make out session.

Matt slipped his tongue into Carter's mouth, taking him by surprise, but going with the flow. It wasn't until he slipped his hands up Matt's shirt that he suddenly pulled back, making him fall off Carter's lap and onto the floor.

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