Eleven: The King and Queen

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The three remaining weeks of school before the break passed quickly. Gossip in the castle focused on the King and Queen of Slytherin being sighted at Madame Puddifoot's Tea Shop, a very popular first date location. People speculated every possible option of what was going on between the two, and both Slytherins were stopped in the corridors multiple times a day.

"No, I am not pregnant with his child!" Azalea snapped at a Hufflepuff first-year.

The young girl's eyes widened, then she scurried away.

Azalea sighed and entered the Transfiguration classroom. She sat down next to Tom and pulled out her books. "A first-year asked if I was pregnant," she groaned.

Tom almost snorted. "I'm assuming I'd be the father," he said.

Azalea glared and said, "It's not funny."

As Tom opened his mouth to respond, Professor Dumbledore quieted the class and began teaching.

Tom leaned over and whispered, "Someone asked me if we had secretly gotten married."

Azalea's eyes widened, and she covered her mouth in a desperate attempt to cover the sound of the half-laugh, half-choke that emanated from her throat.

Professor Dumbledore glanced over at the two and chuckled as they quickly turned back to their extensive notes.

Once the professor turned back to the lecture, Azalea whispered, "Do they really think I'd ever marry?"

"I don't," Tom responded. "I doubt anyone would want to marry you."

Azalea scoffed, "Except for all the people asking my father for my hand."

"I suppose your family's wealth can cover up all of your faults," the dark-haired boy replied.

Azalea rolled her eyes and said, "No amount of money could cover your faults, Tom Riddle."


"I can't believe you're going to Professor Slughorn's Christmas party with Tom Riddle," Caroline remarked as she pinned the last strand of Azalea's hair up.

"I can. We all knew this would happen," Isabella said. She was leaning casually against the post of one of the beds in the dormitory.

Azalea rolled her eyes. "It's not that big of a deal. Nothing is going to come of this," she said.

"And, done!" Caroline announced.

Azalea's hair was twisted up into a lovely mess of braids, revealing the intricate chains crossing her back. Her eye makeup was dark and sultry, and it fit her dangerous personality. Her lips were painted a dark nude color. All in all, she was as beautiful as ever.

The Queen of Slytherin stood up and smiled. "I'll see you all tomorrow," she said. With that, she walked up the stairs and into the common room.

Tom was smartly dressed in a charcoal suit, and he was standing against the fireplace. His lackeys had already left for the party, but he insisted on waiting. Tom's eyes moved up and down Azalea. He was captivated by her dangerous beauty, and Tom Riddle wasn't one to be captivated.

"Take a photo. It'll last longer," Azalea teased.

Tom rolled his eyes. "You're unbearable," he responded.

"And that's why you're taking me to Slughorn's party?" Azalea taunted.

"Shall we?" Tom asked, holding out his arm and ignoring Azalea's quip.

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