Four: Unspeakably Difficult

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The cool night air brushed against Tom Riddle's pale skin as he walked down the grassy hill under the cover of darkness. His mind was quiet despite what he was doing. Sneaking out of the castle was a normal occurrence for him since first year.

Tom walked into the forest, the smell of wet leaves enveloping him. His steps were almost silent as he delved deeper into the trees, the wind whistling above him. Finally, Tom reached a clearing in the woods.

Four cloaked figures stood in a circle. Upon noticing their lord's arrival, each of them lowered their hoods. Rodolphus Lestrange, Lorcan Avery, Abraxias Malfoy, and Antonin Dolohov revealed themselves.

"My friends," Tom began, moving to the center of the circle. "This year, we've made progress towards our ultimate goal. And, progress is the reason we are gathered here tonight," he explained, looking at every man in the clearing. "Dolohov, Avery!"

Antonin and Lorcan perked up at the sound of their names. "Yes, my lord?" they asked in unison.

"How many more filthy mudbloods have you discovered?" Riddle asked with a sneer.

"Twelve, my lord," Dolohov responded.

Lorcan Avery elaborated. "Three in Gryffindor, one in Slytherin, five in Hufflepuff, three in Ravenclaw."

"Good, good," Riddle muttered. He turned to Rodolphus Lestrange and Abraxias Malfoy. "What of the Verdine girl?" Tom inquired.

"Whenever she's in the library, she's either studying for classes or studying the dark arts," Lestrange began. "I see her on the seventh floor more than anywhere else, save for the common room."

Abraxias Malfoy scoffed. "She's still fraternizing with that piece of Ravenclaw trash. They're talking more and more every day. They're exclusive. For someone coming from such a powerful and wealthy family, her standards are incredibly low," he said, his pale and pointed features contorting into a frown.

Tom frowned. Every second that Azalea spent with Anthony Indius was a chance for him to feed her lies and pull her further away from Riddle. He couldn't use her when she was constantly with Anthony.

The four Knights of Walpurgis watched their leader. They knew that the news about Anthony was unsettling to him because they knew that Anthony was a liar.

Finally, Tom Riddle looked up from the ground. "Very well," he said. "Thank you for performing your duties to the best of your abilities. I want you all to continue with your assignments. You're dismissed."

Each knight pulled up their hood and left the dark forest in silence.


Azalea's heart pounded as the familiar, dreaded sensation came over her. Hot tears rolled down splotchy cheeks as her ability to think clearly was waning away with every sharp, short breath. Placing a firm hand on the stone wall, Azalea attempted to slow her breathing and stop herself from hyperventilating. She suddenly felt incredibly hot.

Shaky legs carried a panicking Azalea Verdine up the seemingly endless staircase to the top of the Astronomy Tower. Her head felt like a sledgehammer was pounding the inside of her skull. As her thoughts became cloudier from the quick and shallow breaths, she felt herself slipping. The trek felt like years, and Azalea wanted it to end.

As the trembling girl stepped out onto the balcony of the tall tower, the cold air filled her lungs and hit her face. Azalea inhaled the night air as if she hadn't breathed for a year. As she overlooked the grounds, she began to slow her breathing. Azalea wiped her tears with shaky hands. As she looked up at the night sky, the angry drumming of her heart slowed until it was a light thudding.

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