chapter 29

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We step out of the plane and Cherry's standing there, with a grin. We really look like a couple coz I practically forced him to wear the same cloth as me. White shirt and blue jeans.

"Welcome back Sir, and Ava" Cherry greets and I grin at her, waving.

"Where's the respect to her name,Cherry?" Calvin asks, frowning.

I punch him slightly on the arm, telling him to let it go.

"Now address her with respect, now!"

"Welcome back, ma'am"

I smile at her, and turn to Calvin, frowning at him. She walks us over to the black Bentley that's already waiting for us.

I left London without my voice and now  I'm back with it!.

I rush out of the car and wrap my arms around Bridget, she hugs me back tightly.

"Bridget, I can talk" she opens her eyes wide at me, before shouting and wrapping her hands again around me, us jumping in each other's arms.

"Oh my god, I'm so happy for you, Ava"


Oh lord of Mercy, I'm full. Bridget made a full table of food because she was so happy that I could finally talk and I just couldn't resist it. Calvin watched with wide eyes as I ate every single dish on the table and now I can barely stand.

I sprawl on the dinning chair waiting for a good Samaritan to come carry me. Calvin enters and smirks at me.

"Lord, how did I get to date a glutton?" He asks himself dramatically. I grin at him.

"Because you love me" I shout on top of my voice.

He shrugs. "I guess so, I will have to put up with your glutton life"

I laugh. "Calvin,come carry me, please" I pout, opening my hands to him. He looks at me and chuckle before carrying me bridal style. He looks down at me and smile then plants a kiss on my lips before we head to the elevator.

He lays me on the bed and sit down bringing out his laptop and checking whatever is in it. I tug him on the shirt trying to get his attention.

"Ava, the last time I checked, you can now talk"

I roll my eyes. "Right". I sit up and sit beside him.

"Sweetie what's the matter?" I look at him with baby eyes, pouting, trying to make him fall for whatever I'm gonna say. He looks over to me and chuckle, making his slight green eyes twinkle beautifully.

"Baby, I wanna go back to my restaurant, like I want to resume work"

"Oh that" he says still looking into his laptop.

"I've arranged that already" he says, still focused on his laptop. I furrows my eyebrows together

"What do you mean?"

"Well first of all, I fired that slut of a worker called Peyton, you're welcome" I look at him with wide eyes. Like when on earth did he do that. A smile breaks on my face.

"Then, I renovated your restaurant and made it bigger " I open my mouth, looking at him.

"Then sorry, I didn't tell you"

"I made ten branches of your restaurant, Tropical Diner around the world, the one here in London is the head quarters"

"I have been doing that project for you for over a month now. I wanted to surprise you sweetie"

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