chapter 30

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Ever since Ava left me, it's has been exceptionally quiet here, and very lonely. Sometimes I see her on TV with her new boyfriend or whatever he is, Calvin Bates. Like it pisses the hell outta me, but what can I do.

I know I did the biggest mistake by stabbing her, and I'm sorry like so sorry, I didn't mean to. I found that I am in love with Ava and at the same time Calvin is, I was so angry that I knew I couldn't win Ava over him. I am rich, yea I know, the richest in my profession around the whole country but Calvin was a hundred times richer, like let's face the truth, he could destroy my career in a matter of days.

That was what angered me to say the least, I wanted Ava, all to myself and the fact I knew I couldn't have her angered me. And then I did the unthinkable. Stabbing her.
To get her off my mind, I resorted to sleeping around even her slut of a worker, Peyton. The worst part is that she had to walk in on that and I have never felt more disgraced and ashamed of myself than I felt that day.

She was now a big girl, she now goes with security, she now appears in TV, she now dates no other man than Calvin Bates.


I groan as I crash on the couch, pressing the remote towards the TV turning it on and not really paying attention until something catches my eyes.

"Welcome the owner and CEO of TROPICAL DINER" I watch as Ava comes up on stage smiling largely as Calvin stands by her side.

"You welcome ma'am" the man says bowing. She smiles and comes on stage.

"Thank you everyone" she says, waving her hands.

Wait what!!!

Did she just talk??

Wait, I look back at the TV.

"I'm so so grateful for your support, and  saying a big thank you to all those whose been there for me. I want to say a special thank you to my Fiance, Calvin Bates, he's the pillar of everything, thank you so much" she finishes her speech and hugs Calvin.

Wait what!!!

She's talking??

Wait, Ava's talking!

Oh my Godddd!

Wait, this is a dream.


I and Calvin enter into the Limousin and heave a sigh. Gosh I'm so exhausted and tired. The cameras, questions, glares, looks, shouts and all that was already making me sick.

Everybody there was so surprised that Calvin finally have someone he dates.

"Calvin why don't you get into any scandals like other millionaires?" I ask puzzled. Like I was seriously curious, every other millionaire I know who Calvin is even richer than gets into one scandal or another with women.

He shrugs "because.. I have not really dated anyone else since I became handling my dad's estates and companies"

I furrows my eyebrows together, "why?"

"Uhhmmm, because I sincerely didn't want women in my life, those set of people have issues, and I didn't have strength for that, well until I met you, you were different from the start"

"And I'm not letting you go anytime soon" my cheeks heat up and I hide it with my hair. I smile at him.

He kisses me on my lips. "Baby, you worked hard today, we need to rest and tomorrow, we will start your preparations for the party" I nod smiling .

It was going to be a party the whole country would hear of.

I put on my night wear and sit in front of my mirror in Calvin's room as Calvin comes behind me, loosing my hair from the braid and tying my hair in a bun, I love it when he does that. I have the perfect boyfriend, or fiance , whateves ....

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