Bonus chapter

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Bonus chapter

Okay you guys said you wanted a bonus chapter, here it is.

"Pearl, April get down here right now. You are gonna be late for school" I yelled at my stubborn children. I have been yelling for the past fifteen minutes, they both said they wanna go a get a book and like that disappeared.

I don't know whether they are afraid of school or something.

I smiled as they both came down the stairs slowly. They were my beautiful children, three years old.

Pearl had my blonde hair but her father's green eyes while April had her father's black hair but my blue eyes. April keeps gushing that if she grows a bit older, she's gonna blonde her hair so she could look exactly like her sister.

They were my adorable children, my last.

"Why are you yelling at my lovely children?" I felt a hand on my waist and Calvin kissed my neck.

"Your lovely children doesn't wanna go to school, they are scared" I said smiling. Calvin came in front and furrows his eyebrows.
"If they are scared to go, then they can home school, i can arrange the best teacher for that" he said carrying both girls in his arms.

"No no no I don't want that. I want my children to have friends, interact, get crushes on boys" my last sentence made Calvin enter a roar of laughter.

"Oh you want your children get crushes on boys and have their heart broken?" Calvin asks chuckling.

"Either way they will still have their first heartbreak"

"Then I'm gonna kill that boy"

"Those boys" I corrected.

"We are still here you know" April said. April was the talkative one, she doesn't talk Like a girl of her age. Trust me, she knows past her age and she is well more intelligent than her age, i think it's her father's brain she has.

Wait wait, I'm not saying I was a dull student in school, it's just that....

Its just that...

Infact forget I ever said this.

Pearl was the quiet one, she smiled a lot. She was the younger one, she is daddy's pet. She doesn't talk as much as April but when she does, you wonder if she's really three years old.

Their fathers brain again... Remember.

"Okay my beautiful angels, let's go to school okay? Don't mind your mom" Calvin said winking at me. He gave me a kiss.
I gave both my children a kiss and they waved me goodbye.

My family is perfect.


Alloy my driver opens the door of my car for me. "Thank you Alloy" I smiled at him and head into my restaurant. It had grown so big over the years. I won an award as the best chef in the whole country and everyday the restaurant is filled to the brim, and people who were also booking for one occasion or the other so I was a little busy nowadays.

I walk in to meet Ember, my PA and my best friend. Ember met someone a year ago in Bethany's wedding. Oh I didn't mention that.

Bethany got married to the love of her life, Collins and is pretty heavy with a boy. Very good for her, their live became so sweet and enviable while on the other hand, Ember got over her crush on Colton. She had to be happy for Cherry.

"Ava i have been waiting for you all day" Ember whined as she followed me into the office. I smiled .

"And why's that, young lady?" I sat down looking at her.

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