chapter 34

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Omg do you guys see the couple cover... It's amazing.
THANKS to kokobycole.... Much love❤️❤️❤️

"Ava, you alright?" Bethany holds me tightly. The pain just hit me suddenly but I think I'm fine. I bring up my face and smile.

"I... I think I'm fine"

"You sure? Want me to get Calvin?" Cherry asks me, worry written clearly on her face. I smile at them. I think I'm fine.

"No, it's okay. I'm fine. Let's go" I hold on to Bethany's hand then we head out.
I come out the elevator as we enter the corridor which leads to the party room.
Calvin comes out, a handsome smile on his face accompanied by Collins as they make their way to us.

Calvin was in a white suit with a white shirt and a golden coloured filler while Collins is in a stripe white and red suit with white shirt and a black filler. They were looking extremely handsome. Calvin's hair was done neatly back wards and I couldn't help but ask myself how I became so lucky to date him.

Country's most richest man!

He reaches me and places his hands on my waist, pecking me slightly. "Baby, you look so so beautiful.... As always" he finishes, placing a kiss on my hand. Then he looks over to the ladies. Collin's hands are in Bethany's waist.

"Uhmmm, ladies, you guys can go now. I will come with Ava" they nodded and left not before Bethany whispered something into Calvin's ear. I glared at her and she just chuckled before  holding unto Collin's hand and following Cherry and Ember to the party room.

"So princess, shall we?" He asked bringing out his arm for me. I smiled at him before hooking my arm to his as we walked majestically to the party room.

"Please everyone, welcome the celebrant, Miss Williams, owner and CEO of  Tropical Diner  "
There was a huge round of applause as I and Calvin appear before the huge fleet of stairs. I smile widely and wave.

There was another round of applause and Calvin held out his hand once more as I took it and we calmly and slowly come down the stairs as my dress flowed down.

I don't want to be like those stupid princesses who miss a step and fall!

We finally reached the bottom of the stairs and the first person to wrap me in a hug is Colton. I hug him back smiling.

"You look beautiful sweetie" I give him a peck before mouthing a thank you. Collins whispered something into Colton's ear and they laughed.

When did those two become friends?

Calvin makes his way to us and his expression darkens. I could feel the tension as the two guys stared at each other in the eyeballs, not even blinking.

"Okay, I'm not here to snatch your girlfriend away from you. I'm just her best friend please" Colton said, lifting his hands up in surrender. Calvin rolls his eyes and all that Collins does is laugh.

Colton brings out a hand for him to shake. Calvin looks at the hand for another two long minutes before rolling his eyes again. I nudge Calvin on the shoulder telling him to take the hand shake. He takes Colton's hand in the shake placing a tight smile on his lips.

I shriek in happiness that the two men has finally acknowledged themselves. I heard a shout "IT'S PARTY TIME!"
Then everyone responses with a "whoooooooo".

"Let's go dance Ava" I look at them wide eyed. Calvin and Colton said it at the same time and immediately gave themselves glares.
Okay this is gonna be harder than I thought.

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