chapter 25

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She raises up a paper high enough for me to see...

I want to talk me!

A smile breaks on my face as I wrap her into a big hug. "Darling, I'm so so sorry for everything you past through. Was your dad the one who tried strangling you that day in a building?"

I look at her, she nods her head. I nod, then wrap her in a hug again, brushing her hair.
"What do you want me to do with him sweetie?"

She withdraws from the hug and furrows her eyebrows at me....totally cute. Then she writes..

Do you know where he is?

I shrug, "I don't, but I can find him with a phone call" she smiles at me. Then writes..

I forgot I was dating Calvin Bates.

"Of course baby"

I know he's probably looking for me, I just need you to protect me,please?

"I will do anything baby, nothing's gonna happen okay? No one dares hurt my girlfriend, are they mad?" I hug her again.

"Ava, I want to let you know that I love you no matter what. I love your silence,your smiles, your enthusiasm, your ability to bring out the best in me, I practically love everything about you"

She withdraws and writes..

Omg,I'm blushing.... She shows me grinning. I smile softly at her, tuck her hair behind her ear then rub her cheeks.

"Then you're gonna be blushing everyday, coz this compliments comes everyday." She hugs me and plants a kiss on my cheeks, then she gasps..

"What is it, darling?" She writes..

I'm hungry..

Really??!! This girl is dramatic and most of all, crazy. I smile at her.
"Then let's go eat sweetie, Bridget already made food" I lead her out of the room with my hand at the small of her waist.


Dinner is over, I decide to escort her to her room before leaving to mine. I sit on the bed while she changes in the bathroom, she comes out with night wear, written Barbie boldly on it with a girl with blonde hair, pick dress, pink crown and a wand....Really??

"Are you also into stupid cartoons like this girl on your cloth whose obsessed with pink?" She grins widely at me before she sits down beside me.

"Okay flower, time for bed" I say, standing up going behind her, and tying her hair into a high messy bun. I hate it when girls sleep with their hair down, waking up looking like a gorilla. She tugs at my shirt, then I sit down while she writes...

Please Cal,I want to go see Colton.

My mood changes. "Sweetie, no, that guy is dangerous" she shakes her head at me and writes..

He's not I promise, let me just go see him, I can't just stop talking to him, he was always there for me....pleassseeee???

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