Chapter 4

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 " I don't think so" she spoke. We started to run away from the fight that broke out.

We run as fast as we can to the court yard. I see Callum run to corridor that led to his father's room.

" Callum what are you doing!!" I shouted in his direction. He turned his head to me still running to the halls.

" I need to speak to him " He yelled back at me " Watch over Ezran until I get back ". I nod in his direction. I go up to Ezran and hide in a stack of hay.

Time Skip After the Fight... Runaan"s POV.

I limp over to the balcony arrow in hand, I rape the bound around the arrow and shoot it off. I see the arrow signal that the task is done.

" I see you are still here " A man's voice says behind me.

" Lock him up "he commands.

Rayla's POV.

I see a pitch of black smoke in the air as we walk away from the castle. I took a closer look at the smoke to see it's the signal that the King was killed, I look at my right wrist to see that band turn red and fall off. I look up to see (Y/N) looking at me then she started walking up to me and gave me a tight hug.

" It will be alright " she spoke. I stood there in shock of what she was doing, but I just hugged her back. Then we continue going on.

Time Skip... (Y/N) POV.

I woke up the next day to everyone already awake. I grab my dagger and start walking with the group.

" So where are we going " Ezran said.

" We are going to the winter lodge" Callum said.

" And why is that" Rayla said sarcastically.

" There is a cube thing there that can help with the orb thing I have " Callum said.

" OK.... just one de" Rayla said.


When we got to the lodge Callum gave Rayla a lay out of the room she needs to go into. As we wait, we catch Aunt Amaya (I think that how you spell it) and her ARMY!!! Before she could go inside we run to the front deck.

" Hello Aunt Amaya Hehe, what are you doing here" Callum spoke nervously. She started to do hand signs.

" What are you doing here " her guard asked. We looked at each other. Then I stepped in front of them.

" The King requested us to be here to keep the princes safe" I spoke. She did more had signs to us.

" Well that does make this logical " Her guard said. " Let's get inside " we looked at each other nervously.

We all went inside. With us as panicked as it is was not helping. I saw a shadow at the ceiling to see Rayla on one of the beams. After my little break, I finally hear Callum speaking to their aunt trying to get an excuse. Until Ezran got the great idea to tell a war general that we skipped breakfast. then signaled us saying, " Breakfast is the most important meal of the day".

So, we all walk to the dining hall to have a brick for breakfast. 'yay'. So, after breakfast we go into the sitting room to wait for what is going on with Rayla. As we wait we start hearing banging and crashing coming from upstairs. I looked at the boys worriedly. We stay still until we hear a crash from the outside. We run out to see Rayla on the ground, Callum and Ezran go to her aid when a group of soldiers come out and surround them.

" What are you doing here elf " Said Amaya's Guard.

" I'm doing nothing " Rayla responded.

" Well it's either we kill you or we take you back to the castle " The guard spoke, and Rayla lighting up " And kill you ". Rayla went back to a frown.

" RELEASE THE PRINCES " She commanded. Until Rayla grabbed them both with swords to their necks.

" One more step and their dead " She said while I stand to the side lines.

" Let them come with me and no one will get hurt " Rayla spoke. Amaya gave in and let her guards let them leave and leave me here as they got into the boat. I looked at them sympathetically as they left looking back at me. I feel a tap on my shoulder to see Amaya and her guard.

" I know you care for them (Y/N)" The guard spoke " But we need to have faith... Now we must get you back to the palace" That was it back to the palace I go.


Soooooooooooooo heyyyyy chapter 4 complete!!!!

If some could tell me the name of the guard that their aunt has to translate that would be good.

hope u enjoyed


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