(Real) Chapter 7

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Runaan's POV.

" Hey (Y/N)" A voice said in front of us and they paused " IS THAT YOUR BOYFREIND!!!"

I look back to where the voice was coming from. I see a girl in her late teens, with shiny black hair and blue eyes.

 Celine Smith (thank you Earthyrainbow_Death)

I don't have skin tone markers, so it can be any skin color you want.

Age: 17

Work: Mage

Hobbies: Making potions, preforming spells, learning new things, and sneaking to Xadia...

Dislikes: None...

Likes: Everything!!! (little toooo cheerful)

Befriends with (Y/N) and will help with anything. She was learned rare magic that was passed down in her family.

(Small Bio cause it's late and I'm lazy)

We walk down to where the young girl was standing. When we approached her shaking figure with excitement. Before I know it, she was practically yelling in our faces.

(Y/N) POV.

As Celine was shouting at us one of the many things that she was shouting at us was...

" SO, THE RISEN YOUR HOLDING HANDS MEANS HE IS YOUR BOYFRIEND, RRIIIIIGGGHHHHHTTT"! She shouted. After she went back to her own nonsenses, both Runaan and I look down to see both of our hands intertwined. We both quickly release each other's hands as fast as possible. We don't face each other, while my face heats up, Runaan scratches the ack of his head looking away from me with a light dust of pink on his cheeks. After Celine calmed her crap (Ew), once she was done I had to start explaining.

" Celine are you calm enough to listen to me" I said. She nodded her head rapidly. " So first off Celine me and Runaan are not a couple..."

" Not yet" she said quickly.

"Well, what we need is for you to undo this, so we can get to Xadia to help the Queen" I finished. She nods in agreement and started walking to her home.

Small Time Skip...

We finally made it to her house, as we entered I see many plant and arrangements of ingredients with many rare animal parts and dusts. She walks back up to a spell book to see Witch (See what I did their Ha... Ha... Oh there goes this book) potion or spell she needs to make. She runs around her house to find ingredients.

" So, I have the potion that can make the blood go to his arm to make it easier to take the bound off" She explained as she prepared the potion while talking" But the potion will be hard to... wash down".

" Whys that" I ask. She walked up to me and whispered to me.

" See when my Uncle made these for many elves that bounded themselves without thinking said that " It tastes like a molded moon juice mixed with a dirty sock that was left in the sun". She walked up to Runaan instructing him to sit, because she said that it will help better. I went up and put a hand on his shoulder. Runaan took a sip and almost spit it out but swallowed it to not waste it.

" That tastes like a molded moon juice mixed with a dirty sock that was left in the sun" He said.

" Told you" Celine shouted!

" Come on I'll help you out" I said.

After an Hour of Helping Runaan...

" Well that went well" Celine said, Runaan glared at her sunny personality "Hey (Y/N)! I'm going to send a letter your family for them to help us when we go to Xadia".

" Wait, who said you are going to Xadia" I said.

" Come On! I want to help to, I'm a powerful mage!" She wined " And what happens if you get hurt. no mage ... no healing." She said smirking. I looked at Runaan because it was a good case. We both nod in agreement to each other.

" Listen... You can come, BUT! First you do not go anywhere without me or Runaan, Second NO rapid magic, third no running all over anywhere and everywhere we go, AND FORTH! NO ILLEGALE MAGIC!!" I shouted the last part.

" Yes Ma'am " She said as a smiling mess. She ran around getting all her things together and running out squealing and screaming in excitement. I got sit down were Runaan was siting to hear a snicker coming from him, I look in his direction confused.

"What's so funny" I asked.

"You acted too much like her Mother" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well I've known her for a long time" I said " When her Uncle died from a battle at the border, I started taking care of her".

" That was very selfless of you" He said smiling.

"Yea, but it's hard to have to work in the castle and take care of two princes and while taking care of a seven-year-old" I said in a sad tone.

" How old were you when this happened" He asked worried.

"When I was thirteen" I said.

"Well... That was a very big thing to take on all on your own, and that is one of the many things I like about you" He finished. I look at him with a confused look, I notice that he was coming closer slowly and I moved in as well. We both came to each other when I felt a pair of lips on mine. I got out of my momentary shock and kissed back. There was so much passionate... and love?

Unknown POV...

A hawk lands on the porch on the front deck with a letter on them. I take the Hawk inside it tend to it before I send it back. I open the letter to read...

Dear (Y/LN),

It has been seen that you Daughter (Y/N) will be coming to Xadia to help with upcoming war.

The king was said to be dead and that led to the princes to fled and (Y/N) having to help a man in

need. I want you to know that we are on our way to you.

so, with love and respect
- Celine

I look up from the letter. The king is dead... Chaos in the land... and (Y/N) in the middle of it.
I sigh in frustration on thinking on the matter, then it hit me.

" Boys come here " I shouted.

" Yes Father" The Triplets said.

" I want you to go get your sister and her friends" I said " NO question, you need to get her here and out of danger ... GOT THAT" I spoke in a stern tone.

" YES SIR" They shouted.


Hope you enjoyed!!!
That took a long time to write. I'm Tired... I'm going to bed


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