Chapter 11

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     Still Runaan's POV...(Still)(-_-)

I look over to see Rayla was facing toward me shocked to see me, of course. Like who's adoptive brother/father. Rayla pulled her daggers out ready in her stand. 

"What are you doing here" She said with venom in her voice.  I stood there not moving.

"Rayla listen to me" I said,"I'm not going to hurt you or the princes".

"Why should I believe you" She growled.

  "Cause I have other plans after everything that has happened." I retorted. I stood still in place to make her see i'm not a threat( What the hell is this animal planet). Just as tension was getting high Celine decided to say something...

"Hey~ Lets have a little girl chat for a bit" She smirked, "Shall we". Celine quickly took Rayla to a bit further location, leaving me with the princes and that weird frog thing.

"So... Your the guy that killed my dad" One of the princes said (Callum ), I froze on the spot. 'What do I say, "Yea I so killed your dad and even F***ed one of your maids that is traveling with me", Yep that's what you say in this type of instants' I thought sarcastically.

"Yes I did" I stated, " But that's was when I thought when they betrayed Xadia".

"I see, you only did it cause of what was said of us humans" He said, "Then lets start fresh... I'm Callum" He put his hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Runaan" I say as I shake his hand.

"And this is Ezran" He pointed to the kid next to him.

"And this is Bait" Ezron said holding up the frog.

"YOU HAD SEX WITH A HUMAN!" Rayla Shouted. And this is were I f***ed up...

Celine and Rayla's chat POV

"I know how you feel right now" Celine said.

"Well it's more complex then you think" Rayla said in a shy tone " He raised me unlike what my parents did".


"Yes, he raised me and taut me everything i know, and the one time I could show him that he could be proud..."Rayla sighed" I just screwed it up".

"It's alright" Celine stated, "Me and you are sort of in the same boat, I had a woman raise me from when I was seven all the way to now who worked in the palace too".

"Really? That must have hard" Rayla said.

"It was, but she stiil did it" Celine smiled" I hope she's still alive".

"It's alright" Rayla smiled, " Well out of this doom and gloom, lets talk about something else"!

"like what?"

"I don't know, like did anything funny happen when you were coming here"

"OH! This one time Runaan got stuck in a hole and freaking out cause of all the bugs crawling on him! Celine laughed" He was like..."

(I TRIED!!!!!!!!!!!)

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(I TRIED!!!!!!!!!!!)

"HAHA that's funny" Rayla said.

"Hey quick question" Celine asked " What would it be like if a human and a elf were in love... and the human being part sun elf"?

"I don't know... Why you ask" Rayla said while raising a eyebrow.

"Well~ Runaan might of have had a bit of love making with them"(=3=") Celine said.

"What really!?" Rayla yelled.

"YEEEEESSSSS~~~" Celine smirked.


Back to Runaan's Pov

I froze on the spot...

"You. Had . SEX. with a human. that . is . someone a Sun elf" Rayla shouted" And think nothing will go wrong, DID YOU NOT LEARN FROM LAST TIME"! I stood there stunned by her bring up my ex.

"Rayla we are not talking about this"I growled. Rayla huffed and turned away from me pouting with her arms crossed. 'Man she is such a child sometimes".

"Rayla are you alright"?

"No, I don't want what happened last time happen again" She stated. I understand from were she is coming from, not just everyday you see two young lovers that cared for each other more than anything just to have one rip your heart out.

"It's alright, She is way better than what He did" I growled when I said he. Rayla smiled in my direction, I embrace her into a hug. I look over to see Callum, Ezron, Celine, and Bait all looking at me and Rayla weirdly.

"What"? I questioned.

"Just never thought a moon shadow elf could have so many emotions" Celine stated bluntly.

"Hey!"Me and Rayla shouted, everyone started laughing at our reaction as both me and Rayla were pouting until we got a few good laughs out of us. I turn to see the dragon egg in there bag but it's glowing less.

"What happened to the egg?" I asked.

"The egg fell into the a icy lake amd it's in really bad health" a voice said behind me, I turn to see a girl on top of a over sized dog.

"I'm Lila (I can't remeber her name... can somone tell me)" She said " And this is Nina (I think)", While pointing to the dog.

"So what do we do with the egg"Celine said.

"We are taking it to a healer that Nina said that lived on the mountian" Ezran said.

"Okay we will follow you to the healer and after me and Runaan will part ways" Celine said smiling to me as I nod in agreement. "Awwww your leaving" Ezran pouted.

"Yea we got to get back to Xadia" I implied, just as I was about to start walking when I heard footsteps behind me, Rayla heard them too. Rayla quickly has everyone backed behind her as I stand in front of her. Just then a soldier comes running out from were me and Celine were running from. I quickly grabbed their neck and pinned them to the rock wall.

"Who are you" I said. They didn't speak they put their hands up in surender, they just point to a trail then put their hands back up."You just want to leave" I look into His/Her eyes, I just drop them on the ground and let them run off.

"Runaan. What are you doing?" Rayla asked confused.

"Letting them go" I said, " They can't to anything". I start walking on my path to Xadia and my future.

'I hope my love will be there' I thought.



Sorry for not updating in so long, life has been busy!
I hope all of you like this chapter CAUSE I THINK IT IS TRASH.

And from here on Runaan will be Bisexual so he likes Guys and girl so all you Little Chu's can have a peace of him(^U^)

Thanks for reading

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