Stormy day.

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Next time I woke up it was raining outside. No scratch that it was storming. The wind was loud, you could hear it from the inside, their was thunder, it was a storm.

Great. But on the positive side do feel better! I think I'm all healed.

Well apart from my arm. That still looks like it was attack by jaguars that hadn't eaten in weeks.

Since I didn't know if it was night or day I opened my curtains. Bad idea. You couldn't even see the sun because of all the rain and thunder. I'll just make a guess then. I'm not really feeling sleepy anymore so it's day time!

I stand up and walk out of the room. The house is silent so everyone is still a sleep. I'm starting to doubt my decision. Anyways I walk downstairs into the kitchen to make some breakfast.

To my surprise we don't have a lot of food left. That's bad it won't be a full moon for 5 days. And I'm not going out there again if there's not a full moon.

I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. I'm really hungry. In the past 2 days the only thing I've eaten was soup. It was delicious but not really filling.

After I ate my breakfast I decided to just sit around for awhile. I had nothing to do and Kaitly and Keagan weren't up yet. We should start on the fence when they're done eating. I want it to be fixed as soon as possible.

It's calm now but that doesn't mean it'll stay like that.

It was still storming outside. I don't want to go out in this weather. I mean I just got better and this weather is probably going to make me sick again.

I'll just have to be careful and wear an extra coat or something.

The door to the living room opened and Keagan walked inside looking sleepy. He rubbed his eye while he said good morning to me.

Damn he is not only hot but cute to. Shot me now.

"Morning, did you sleep well?"

"Mh yeah..... you?"

"Yeah me too."

He finally looked up (he was looking down before) and realized I was downstairs, sitting on the sofa.

"Your up? Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah I feel all better actually."

"That's good I'm glad. I'm going to make some breakfast be right back."

With that he walked out of the door before I could respond. I wanted to tell him their was still some of my breakfast left so he could eat that.

Meh maybe he found it out himself. He seems smart.

After a couple of minutes he walked into the living room with.... some toast. Which was not my breakfast. He's still sleepy I bet that's the cause of it.

"We need to fix the fence today. It's suspiciously quiet. I don't like it. I see monsters here all day most of them just pass by some attack, but I haven't seen any in like what? Two three days?" I said worriedly.

Keagan looked up at me and then down at his food.

"You're right. It's like theirs something about to happen, something big."

He took a bite of his toast before continuing.

"What about the weather though? It's storming, you can barely see anything. I think we'd risk to much by doing it now. Plus what if you get sick again. You're still weak from your illness you sure you can handle it?"

Aw he's worried about me. He's so cute.

"I don't know. I'd prefer to be safe though."

I looked outside, nature really wanted us dead. First the monsters now this killer storm. It feels like the wind will blow the house away or something.

"Do you know what monsters do during a storm like this? 'Cause if they hide from it we just have to watch for the storm to.... be less stormy? And then fix the fence as quick as possible. But! If they go out and attack during storms like these than we should be on our guard and make sure we have al weapons ready."

Keagan looked outside and thought for a second. I didn't know how far the research on these things was before hell happened. I don't know if he knows but he said he used to live in California, that's where this whole thing started. He might know something I don't.

"They hide. Even for them this would be to dangerous. Since they have more iron in there blood they attract lightning. As soon as there's lightning they hide. I don't know if they'd stay hidden when the lightning is gone though. So we should prepare all weapons in case they come out."

"That's good than we're safe for now."

After I said that we were both quiet. Just thinking about the possible attack and how to defend ourselves. Well I was at least. Keagan is difficult to read.

"Should we wake up Kaitly? Make a plan of defense and attack? Maybe even make an escape plan?"

Keagan snapped out of the trance he was in and looked at me.

"Yeah I'll wake up Kaitly, after she finished breakfast we should make a plan. Do you have any paper? And pencils? We could draw out plan out."

Do I have that? I know I have pencils and small pieces of paper. But small pieces won't work. Maybe in the small office/ guest-room.

"I have pencils and I'll look for some paper. Kaitly can eat the left over breakfast in the kitchen if she wants."

He looked at me with a confusing look. He didn't even see the breakfast I left. He was sleepy. Very sleepy apparently.

"I- uh yeah right. See you later then?"

He's so confused it's almost cute. O who am I kidding it's cute. He looks adorable with the frown and pout on his face.

Unfortunately he turned around and went upstairs to wake up Kaitly.

I grabbed the pencils from the dresser, which was on the left side of the living room near the window. I laid it on the dining table, so not the one with the couch, and walked upstairs to find some papers.

I found some, there were only 4, and walked downstairs with all of them. Kaitly was eating by the time I came down and Keagan was explaining what we just talked about.

Kaitly nodded and kept eating. When she was finished she put the plate on the table and said in a very strong voice,
"Let's make these plans and slaughter some monsters."

And so the planning began.

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