Chapter Three; "Hi Hemmings." I said and smirked.

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"CAL WAKE UP!!" My dad called from downstairs. I was going to be late. Late for work. After I showered and was dressed I rushed to the kitchen. "Here I made you toast. There's water in the fridge." my dad said and then left to work (he had to go earlier since he was the boss). I took one bite out of the toast and then drank water.

Grabbing my bag, I left for work. Calum was waiting outside the apartment for me. "I thought because well... You haven't been in Australia in a while... I thought..... You might... Want a ride to school?" Calum asked. 

"Um sure..?" I said.

Getting into his car music blared. It went like So Kiss Me Kiss Me and tell me that I'll see you again. Once Calum got in he started singing along quietly. I turned down the music he looked at me. "So your in a band?" I asked. 

"Yeah. Its called 5 Seconds Of Summer." He said.

"Cool. I think I've heard one of your songs before..... Was it called..... I think..... It went like... Something something in my American apparel underwear." I said. 

"Haha you mean our song called She Looks So Perfect?" Calum asked.

"Yeah. Sorry I would've probably listen to you guys way more if I didn't have to work at my mom's dancing studio and teaching little dreaming 5 year old's how to dance." I said.

"Its okay. I'm on vacation from our tour. I like to work here because people don't treat me like: OH MY GOD IT'S CALUM HOOD SOMEONE GET A PICTURE!!!!.... I mean I don't hate being famous and I don't hate my fans. I adore my fans they made my dream come true but sometimes I want to unwind to be a normal person." Calum said looking at me.

"Yeah. It must be amazing though.... Having all those girls screaming your name... If it weren't for them... If it weren't for them you wouldn't be famous." I said.

He nodded. "We should get going..." He said.

"Yeah we should Cal." I said.

He started the car and we headed to the bakery. It was really just like 2 blocks away but a ride to the bakery was nice... I guess. Once we got there Calum stopped the music and got out of the car. He opened the passenger side for me. 

"Thanks." I said. 

"No problem." He said.

We went inside the bakery. It was cold and it smelled delicious in here. "Cal!" said a guy. Me and Calum looked who it was. It was really confusing having the same nickname.

A blonde guy with a lip piercing and blue eyes was waving us over to the table he was sitting at. Calum grabbed my hand and led me towards the table. "Hey Luke." Said Calum.

"Hey Cal. Is this the pretty girl you've been talking about. Her eyes are beautifully gray as you described." The guy named Luke said.

"Luke." Calum was saying awkwardly, "Luke, yes this is Callie. Callie Davis." 

"Hi Davis I'm Luke. Luke Hemmings." Luke said.

"Hi Hemmings." I said and smirked.

Calum, Luke, and I got into this conversation. A very weird conversation about penguins and stuff. "Callie! Calum!" called my dad. 

It was 30 minutes past the time our shift started. My dad was walking towards the table we were all sitting at. "Hey Cal and Cal," my dad said and laughed a little, "I wanted to say you guys have a day off today because Diana and Rick is taking your shift today. So have fun on your day off. Oh yeah, Calum can I talk to you?....... Alone please?" My dad asked.

"Yeah sure." said Calum.

*Hey guys so on chapter four is Calum's pov of what happens when he and Callie's dad talk alone

*Pls comment below if you have any ideas or want your name in the story or something pls 



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