The Monster Under Willow's Bed

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Chapter 3

~Willow POV~

"Uhm, can I get grilled cheese, please?" I ask the lunch lady as my turn comes up. She takes a tray from the stack and places a grilled cheese in the middle.

"Would you like green beans or corn?" She says. I make a face.

"Corn please." She spoons some corn on my plate and hands the tray back to me. "Thank you!" I chirp, moving to pick out fruit. I pick up an orange, chocolate milk, and punch in my lunch number. I carry my tray back out to the lunch room, skipping over to my table. "Hi guys!" I say, plopping down next to Josh and across from Bianca. They all grin at me.

"Hey Willow!" They all say. I dig into my food a we start talking and laughing, talking about what we're doing over the weekend after tomorrow, which is Friday.

"I'm going to my daddy's bakery on Saturday!" I say excitedly. Everyone forms an 'o' with their mouths.

"Oh! I like your daddy! He has really good cupcakes and cookies!" Sage says, stuffing her mouth with grilled cheese. I grin proudly.

"He does, doesn't he?" I say. "And he has blonde hair!" I exclaim.

"Why do you like blonde hair so much?" Josh asks me.

"Because I find it very nice looking. And I would say I like brown hair, too, but that would sound self-centered. But I like brown hair on you, Josh. And I like red hair a lot. Like Sage and Rory." I say. They all smile. Rory has bright orange hair with lots of tiny curls. And Sage has a color that's more like a red velvet cupcake.

"Do you like my hair, Willow?" Bianca says.

"Yes, I really do. But I don't know what color it is." I say, looking at it long and hard. It has bouncy curls and is a sort of a platinum blonde with a blue-ish tint and streak on the underside of her hair and one on her bangs. "Why is it that color?" I ask.

"I was born in a hospital in the Capital. I had dirty blonde hair before, then my mommy wanted it different! So voila! I have colorful hair!" She says proudly.

"Woaaaah." We awe.

"I also got my eyes changed there." She says, pointing at her dark blue eyes. "They were green. But mommy said it didn't match my hair." I wonder why her parents would want to change her natural appearance.

"That's cool," Sage says, ruffling the blue streak.

"Thank you Sage! I think it is. I'm not like anyone else." She says. Even if her hair is cool, I still think my daddy's is prettier.

"Well look who it is." I hear a snide voice above me. We all look up and see Patrick, smirking down at us. I scowl.

"What do you want, Patrick." I say, annoyed with him for interrupting our conversation. He sits down next to me and I sigh. Darn it.

"Oh. Oh nothing. Just here to here my lunch." He says casually, taking a big, sloppy bite of his grilled cheese. I make a face.

"Patrick, go sit with your friends." Rory says. We all know he's here just to bug us.

"Oh but you guys are my friends." He says cheesily, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I make a face and shrug it away.

"How about no." I say. He just snorts. He's never done anything to hurt us in anyway, he's just obnoxious. And that's down right annoying.

"So ladies and gents, what's on the menu for today." He says, taking a piece of my orange.

"Hey!" I exclaim, reaching for it before he slips it in his mouth. I point an accusing finger at his face. "You owe me an orange!" I exclaim. He shrugs.

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