What's Up Buttercup.

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Chapter 4

~Katniss POV~

"Here you go, baby boy." I say, setting Rye's bowl of Cheerios out in front of him at the counter where both Willow and Rye sit, watching cartoons on the projector. He lets out an excited squeal and grabs a handful of the plain, tan colored circles and crams them in his mouth, only about 10% of them making it there. I chuckle.

"You're such a slob, Rye," Willow says, spilling her own share of Froot Loops. I give her an 'oh really?' look and he blushes bright pink on her neck and under her eyes just like Peeta. She giggles at me and I smile.

"Swob!" Rye squeaks, shoving his face in his bowl. I laugh.

"Aw, but I love my slobs." I say, messing up their hair over the counter. They smile cheekily and I turn around to start washing dishes.

It's Saturday morning. Willow's home for the weekend and Rye is too, but where else is he gonna go. He's one.

I suddenly feel something hit me in the back of my head.

"Oy!" I exclaim out of surprise, whipping around. I look at the ground and see that it was a Cheerio that hit me. Willow tries to hold in her giggles by biting her tongue and Rye looks around with a neutral face. I wonder who it could have been. "Hey! who threw this!" I exclaim in mock disbelief. Willow's finger shoots to Rye.

"Rye did! It's his cereal!" She giggles. Rye makes a face, his mouth in a perfect circle and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Nooo!" He says defensively. "Nooo!"

"But Rye!" I say, walking over behind them. "Whoever threw cereal at me on THIS particular day, they get an extra cookie when we go see daddy at work!" I say with mock excitement. His silvery eyes light up and he gasps a little. I see Willow's jaw drop.

"Oh! Yah!" He squeaks.

"No! But Momma, I threw that!" She says. Rye shakes his head.

"Nooo," He says matter-of-factly, just wanting his cookie. Her eyes widen.

"You wouldn't be having that if it weren't for me!" She exclaims. I gasp.

"So you both threw it!?" I say. They look at each other, then come to an unspoken agreement, nodding their heads. "Then you both get an extra cookie!" I say. They both cheer, and bounce in their seats as I bring then into my arms and kiss their necks.

If I hadn't had Willow when I did, I don't know where I'd be. Yeah, I'd still be married to Peeta, but life would be much more boring. Kids put zest in life.

I hear the uneven footsteps coming down the stairs and look up when Peeta comes into the kitchen, dressed in a navy blue T-shirt and jeans.

"I have to get going here, bakery opens in an hour." He says, walking up behind me and pressing a kiss to the crook of my neck and shoulder. I nod and turn so I can kiss his lips.

"But daddyyyyy!" Willow whines.

"But Willowwwww!" He mimics, coming up behind her and plucking her up in his arms.

"You have a whole hour to spend here with meeee!" She whines, flopping her head down on his chest dramatically. He throws his head back just as dramatically.

"But who's gonna bake all the cookies!?" He exclaims.

"Well you!" She says.


"When you get there!"

"There's not enough time!" He says. She puts on a pout. "But you guys are coming over for lunch!" He says temptingly. She smiles a little and nods. "Aha! There's that smile!" He says triumphantly, kissing her cheek and resting her back in her chair. He plucks up Rye. "And what do you have to say about this, buddy?" Rye just looks at the cereal in his hand.

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