The Secret Tea Party

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Chapter 5

~Peeta POV~

I zip up Rye's fuzzy jacket as Katniss laces up her boots with one foot propped up on the countertop.

"I should be home around four. Definitely before dinner." She tells me, switching legs. I nod once and slip on Rye's hat on his head. "I'll try to get a turkey. I don't know about going to the Hob today, depends how I feel." She lets her foot fall back to the ground and looks back up at me. I smile and spin her around so she's facing away from me and I slip Rye in the carrier we used on our chest when they babies, but now jut use to hold them in when she goes out hunting.

"You have fun, bud. Okay?" I tell him. He just giggles, pulling his hat lower over his eyes. I smile and kiss his exposed nose and turn Kat around. She smirks up at me and rests her hands on my sides. I smile and cup her jaw in my hand. "And you have fun. And if you can, could you get parsley?" She nods.

"Oh yeah. I think I can manage that." She says, winking up at me. I chuckle and kiss her mouth, hand moving to cup the back of her head.

"MommaAAaAaaA!" Willow yells, bounding in from the hallway. We yank away from each other as she leaps into Kat's arms. She chuckles and kisses her forehead.
"Now YOUUU have fun with daddy, you hear?" Willow nods, smiling giddily.

"Oh YAH WE'LL HAVE LOADS OF FUN!" She exclaims. "I have the whooole entire day planned out for us, but it's a SECRET for daddy and he's standing right there so I can't tell you any," She yammers on. Kat grins over at me.
"Sounds like you're in for a treat, daddy." She chuckles. I laugh.

"Seems like it. Now come on baby, lets let momma and Rye go hunt." I say, taking we into my arms. Kat smiles and goes me a quick kiss and Willow a kiss in the jaw before she heads out, Rye trying to lift his toes to touch them with the tips of his fingers. I chuckle and shake my head as the door closes and they're both gone. I set Willow down and she grins giddily up at me. "Now what will it be for today, princess?" I say properly. She grins ecstatically and claps her hands.

"Secret! Now me and Buttercup have to go set it up while you make us got chocolate PUHLEAAASE?" She says, fluttering her eye lashes. I chuckle.

"Oh course I will. Where shall I brin it when it's done, mah lady?"

"My room. That's we're the secret is." She says in a whisper. I give her a thumbs up.

"Okay, I'll be there." I whisper back. She grins and turns to go. "Go on ahead, I'll be up with the refreshments." I say, patting her bottom.

"Knock first!" She hollers, running up the stairs.

"When do I not?" I call back. I hear her door slam and I chuckle, shaking my head as I turn to the stove.

She's a real piece of work.

If Kat goes out hunting on a Sunday, Willow likes to have, 'Daddy Willow Days,' an activity planned on her own. It's usually something different every time. One time it was as simple as me teaching her how to paint. Another time was us going to the bakery together. And another time she took me on a safari all through the jungle, aka all through Victor's Village and ending up at Haymitch's back door. It ranges from how she's feeling that day.

I make my favorite, hot chocolate, and put it in a plastic pitcher with a lid on top. I put it on a tray and head up the stairs, careful not to drop it with my unsteady-ish leg. I stop outside of Willow's room and balance the tray on one arm, knocking with my free hand.

"Who is iiiit?" Willow sings from inside.

"Who do you thiiiink?" I sing back teasingly. She gasps a little.

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