Pleasure or Pain?

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" Why don't we have fun?"

You walk backward trying to stay away from him. He still grinning, knowing that you won't have any other choice than letting him have you.

" Stay away from me. " You spoke clearing the heavy tension.

" What if I don't want to? " He said but still stop in pace, eyes full of lust, smirking wickedly while biting his lips.

You glare at him, back had already hit the wall behind.

He cough twice and the smirking suddenly gone, only to be replaced with a sweet charming smile with eyes looking like a child, round and shining.

" Y/n.. " He said and lower his head.

You didn't answer and instead continue on glaring him.

" I found out that you're not Y/l Y/n. " He said.

" What? Of course I'm Y/n. " You roll your eyes and laugh at his weird talk, thinking if he hit his head and finally talking weird stuff.

" Yeah, you're Y/n, right now. But you're not too, because you're not the so called 'Y/n'. " He cover his mouth with his head still lowered, chuckling at the confused you.

" Whatever, all I want is you. I don't care if you're Y/n or anybody, because you're you." He suddenly quicken his pace to you.

You grip the blanket around you tighter, but he yank it away and now you feel exposed and easily harm.

His hand touch your thigh, you move your hand to stop him but his other hand had already caught both of your hand in his.

" What a soft thigh.. I miss it, like I miss you. " He look into your eyes.

His hand travel from your thigh to your ass and give it a good squeeze, getting a soft sound from your mouth before moving to your back, pulling you closer to his body forcefully.

Your breath hitch, eyes widen and lips parted from the sudden shock.

" I really like how this lips looking so perfect in every angle. Perfect for me, only me. " He whispers to your ear then bites your ear.

" Don't worry, I'll treat you better than he can. I'll let you how good it can be than how you do it with him. " He buried his face at the crook of your neck and slowly nimble it, earning a soft moan from you.

You try to push him, but he didn't even budge a bit.

Feeling like lifted on the air, you realized you're already in his arm, his eyes enchanting you like a spell keeping you from moving a bit.

He put you on the bed.

You feel a bit familiar with the soft side of him, it feel so strange. Yet so unfamiliar, that you're start to feel like you have seen it before. A long time ago.

He support his body with his two hand looking at you under him, with a smile.

" Why are you not forcing me like you always did? " You said, but your voice is soft just enough for him to hear.

" Because I love you. " He answers it simply then leans down to kiss you.

The supposed to be a just a soft kiss turn into a rough one, making him start to feel wild, making you yearn for him to take you.

Your heart ache, " Why does it have to be you who hold me like this now? Whispering those sweet words to my ears? Why cannot it be him who do it like this? What makes him hate me and disgust at me that much that he's so mean to me that time? " .

You thought you're thinking about it but it turn out you said it out loud.

" Forget him. Let me love you right. " He said.

The clothes spread across the ground, soft sound can be heard. Crying, whimper, it can all be heard from the entangling two.

It's painful that the man is not him, but it is a real pleasure for the guy who is with her is so loving.


You wake up feeling fresh and good. It just that when you're about to stand up, your leg start to pain.

" Uh-oh.. " You close your eyes in a mixed feeling, regret but yet not really, feelining like a fool but yet he's the fool that let you go, great but yet not really that great.

It's not a dream. It's real.

Your clothes is till on the floor, but his clothes is missing. You turn around only to gaze into an empty bed.

Once again, it's doesnt feel right, yet doesn't feel wrong too.

You force yourself to walk but it's very uncomfortable and painful.

The door sprung open, revealing a smiling Jerry with a tray of food.

" I see a very nice view in this morning, really good. " He laugh.

You look at your body only to finally remember you're naked. You cover your private parts with both your hand.

" I've even tasted it, what's there to cover. " He put the food on your table.

" Eat, I'll help you with the bath later. " He said.

" No thanks, I'll do it myself. " You refused.

" Don't be stubborn, I'm serious. You think you can stand up long with that legs of your right now? " He smirk.

Just at the right time, your legs start to ache more that you squint your eyes.

" See, I told you. " He smiles, walking to you.

You roll your eyes, letting him lift you and seated you on the chair infront of your breakfast.

" Now, have your meal, baby girl. " He kiss your cheek.

It's doesn't feel right again.

" Why are you nice to me now? " You said.

" I always nice to you, it's just that you're not willing to acknowledge it as me being nice and instead being a pervert. " A smile appears on his face.

You sigh.

" Stop loving me. " You lift your head to look at him.

His smile gone in an instant.

" Why should I? Why can't I love you? Why can't I have something that I want? At least just this one. I don't want you to gone again. " He said with a desperate frown.



What does Jerry's ' again ' mean? Do you want to find out? Stay tune for the next chapter~

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