His Child

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" I don't know.. " You said.

Jerry's eyes widen, he can't believe that you still not over him after so many days with him. His eyes then slowly return to its normal eyes.

" Seriously? After how many days we've been together, you still don't know if you over him or not? " He seems disappointed with you.

" Jerry, it's just that I'm not sure,okay? " You hold his wrist.

He looks at you, eyes looking so sad. Just a few second later, you suddenly feel the need to puke. You ran to the grassy land and let it all out.

Jerry rush to you, so do RM. Jerry then holds your hair in his hand, while patting your back.

" Let's just go there and get the stuff done. " Jerry said.


The three of you arrived at Jungkook's house. Namjoon walks you and Jerry to Jungkook's room.

The moment you enter the house, you saw your mother and V sitting on the couch. Your mother is focusing on a document she's holding.

V looks at you and stand up, eyes glaring Jerry who's standing beside you.

You lower your head, avoiding your older brother's gaze.

Carefully following Namjoon from behind, finally you have arrived at his room. Namjoon open the door and let you in first.

" Ladies first. " He winks, Jerry glares at him and let out a low growl.

He lower his head quickly.

You smiles at Jerry, trying to calm him down. Slowly, he calm down.

" Y/..n? "

You turn the voice owner who is on the bed trying to get up, shock run through you as you saw his pale white lips and sleepy eyelids like he would die anytime.

" Jungkook? Why are you like this? " You walk quickly to him, hands on his cheeks.

He touch your hand and smile, " I miss you. "

" I-I... " You look at Jerry and saw him clenching his fist, trying no to look at the two of you.

Namjoon had long gone from the room and the door was closed

" A-are you with a child right now? " He looks at your tummy.

Your eyes widen.

" How do you know? "

" It's mine. " He smile more.

Your chest tighten and your heart hurt so much.

I'm having a child with Jungkook? This child is Jungkook's , the man that didn't love me at all? He must want to kill this child now, that's why he asked me.

" I'm not going abort this child. " You let go of Jungkook and stand beside the bed.

His eyes widen in shock, " What are you saying? I'm not going to tell you to abort that child. That's my child, Y/n. Mine. " .

You heard a heavy steps behind you, but you didn't turn around to see who is it. Jungkook glares at him but he's helpless to do anything.

Jerry turn you around and hold your waist so that you won't fall, " That child may be yours, but this woman is mine. " .

He threw his lips on yours and start to make out passionately. He caress your chest and earn a moan from you, your face had turn red.

Jungkook's eyes forming a tears, can't handle to see it anymore.

" Stop! Stop kissing her! Stop it! " Jungkook tries to yell but his voice isn't loud enough.

" Say please? " Jerry said and kiss your neck, eyes looking at Jungkook's straight in the eyes.

Jungkook hand clench tightly, " P-please stop kissing her, Jerry. " .

" Uhmm, how about a no? " Jerry said and his hand run down through your skirt, slowly rubbing your womanhood in front of Jungkook.

" Jerry, it's embarrassing. " You bury your head in his chest.

" FUCKING STOP IT ALREADY! PLEASE! " Tears streaming down his cheek, trying hard to get up from the bed but he's too weak to do that.

Your moan start getting loud and Jerry kiss you to stop your moan.

Jerry suddenly sweep you of your feet and walk to the door, locking it and turn around to smile mischievously.

" What are you doing? " Jungkook said.

He takes a chair and sit down, facing Jungkook while you on his lap.

" We're fucking. " He grins.

Your eyes widen and your face become redder, you know that no matter what you say, Jerry still wouldn't stop.

" No! Don't do that, no no no noo. Please don't do that."

He unzip his jeans and lift your skirt up to your waist. His hardness came out, and he slide down your lingerie.

" Jerry, no. " You hold his arm but he only kiss you with a smile.

He slowly enter you, earning a loud moan from you and a yell from Jungkook.

Jerry thrust his hip roughly, grinning while looking at the crying helpless man.

You turn into a moaning mess as soon as he start to quicken the pace. A loud flapping sound can be heard inside the room.

Jungkook keeps on begging Jerry to not do it, his eyes set on you with a sad one.

Soon, Jerry shot his cum inside of you. Your head hang down low and your breath is hard; in other word you're tired.

Jerry put on his jeans back, then helping you to wear your lingerie back.

" You're more tired than the other days after we do it. " Jerry kiss your lips and carry you in his arm.

Jungkook sobs as he glares at Jerry, " Get out. " .

Jerry chuckle, " You're such a kid. It's not like you never stole someone from her man, playboy. She's mean nothing to you, right? Like how you left her after doing her. " .

Jungkook eyes widen, " But Y/n is mine! She is not just someone else, she is mine. "

His voice gradually turn smaller, eyes looking down. He remember what he said to you that day, he's regretting.

He wants to take you away, push Jerry off and punch him in the face, do it with you gently so that you'll enjoy it too but that's all a dream.

He is helpless.



Hey guyssss, sorry for the late update but I hope you're enjoying this chapter. I'll be updating soon again.

Anyway, please check out my new book about Jimin X reader, ' The Devil She Contracted With' . I'm updating it the after I update this chapter.

Bubyeeeee, love y'all~ ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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