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Tyler's POV

I gently pushed Ethan up the stairs and back into his apartment, standing at the doorway and watched as Ethan's abuser left. I glared at the car as it left before I turned to join everyone else back inside with boxes items.

After the few hours we spent boxing everything and then driving back to Mark's and getting the boxes in Ethan's room, stuff where it goes and we all decided to head out to Cracker Barrel for lunch.
I kept Ethan by my side and glared at the table as I thought about the night before.
I thought someone was saying something and I glanced up to see the table looking at me, "Yeah?" "Tyler, are you okay? You've been staring at the table in deep thought since we sat down." Mark said and the girls had looks of worry, "I'm just thinking about some personal things, I'm fine." "You can talk to us about anything you know that right? After all we are like family." He replied in the most sincere voice and I nodded, "I know Mark, it's nothing terrible."
It pained me to say that it was nothing terrible but in all honesty it was nothing but terrible. Ethan had been abused multiple times and only now did I actually decide to do something about it. It took over my mind with this anger at my self for allowing this to happen to someone who meant so much to me! I wanted to slam my hands down on the table but I kept myself under control and let out a soft breath.
"Thanks for all the help guys, and for the extra help with those videos Ty." I heard Ethan speak and I smiled softly, "You're welcome." I knew what he meant.

Amy's pov

I watched Tyler and Ethan while we ate lunch, actually I have been watching them all day, and I noticed that they never stood too far apart. At first I shoved it away as they did this quite normally but then I noticed this stranger that they were talking to when we were moving the boxes and Tyler seemed angry while Ethan was afraid.
Was something bad happening and we didn't know about it?
I grabbed my phone from my pocket and group texted Mark and Kate.

Me: Guys, something is wrong.

Mark💋:  What do you mean?

Kate💕: Wrong about what? The food??

Me:  No, I mean between Ethan and Tyler. Tyler isn't usually one to keep something from us, no matter what it is. And Ethan is super jumpy. Plus I saw someone I didn't recognize while we were at Ethan's old place packing up his stuff.

Kate💕:  I saw him too! The Latino right??

Me:  yes!

Mark💋:  wait wait! It's probably just a little misunderstanding. It's nothing that we have to get into their personal business. If they want our help they will ask us about it.

Me:  but Mark! Something isn't right! Tyler seemed upset!

Mark💋:  Amy please, we are having lunch together, why don't we talk about this a little later, it's kind of rude to be on our phones right now.

Me:  fine fine! But we are going to discuss this!

I put my phone back in my pocket and continued our meal.
When we got home, Tyler and Ethan wandered into Ethan's room to do some videos and Mark asked if they needed any help but they two said they were fine before I pulled Kate and Mark over.
"So are we going to discuss this or not!" I hissed quietly. Kate looked at me and then to Mark when he let out a sigh, "Amy they look fine, it was probably just a bit of a misunderstanding with something and Tyler was there to help this issue out. Again if anything was wrong and they need help we will be here for them. We need to keep ourselves out of their business." "Aren't you concerned at all??" I asked him and he gave a frown, "Of course I'm concerned about my two friends." He let out another breath, "I guess we can just keep an eye on them and if anything really bad happens we'll be there to help them out." Kate nodded, "That's a good idea." Before she had to go answer her phone.

Ethan's pov (Week or two later)

"What is up my Cranky Crew!? It's Ethan from CrankGamePlays and today I have Tyler joining me for a bit of two player game called Don't Give Up, as you can see: things are a little different but all will be explained at the end of this Livestream! On with the game!" I said with excitement in my voice then gave Tyler his controller and then grabbed mine to start the game.

Halfway through the game it was getting into a topic that was reminding me of what happened last week. I felt quite uncomfortable before Tyler paused the game, "Need some water?" He asked me as he stood, taking his headphones off. "Yeah." I just nodded, I felt like everything was just there.
It didn't matter.
It wasn't needed.
It just felt empty and quiet.
I watched him walk out of the room and heard his footsteps echo down the stairs.
Then it felt like I couldn't breath and took off my headphones and just up and paced to the other side of the room trying to just get a little bit of air flowing, it didn't seem to help, I felt like the room was closing in around me when I sat back down in my seat. I jumped when I heard something from across the hall and couldn't help but yelp for Tyler, curling up in my seat as it was getting harder and harder to breath.

Tyler pov

I went downstairs and grabbed two water bottles from the fridge when Amy stopped me and asked if I had seen Mark. I shook my head, "No, Ethan and I have been Livestreaming all morning so I haven't seen him." Before we heard a crash sound then a bit of silence before "Tyler!!" Came from upstairs, I recognized it as Ethan and booked it up to his room and quickly opened the door.
I had panic attacks before and I noticed that Ethan was curled in his seat as he struggled to breathe and I hurried over, pulling him close to me, "It's okay, you're alright. You're safe." He gripped my shirt as he began to catch his breath.
"Turn it off..."
I reached behind us and ended the livestream abruptly.

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