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My first Tythan fanfic
Please be nice and enjoy~!
Ethan's pov

I just finished editing one of my videos when I remembered that my phone had received a message and I glanced at it to see Mark's contact pop up. I unlocked my phone and glanced at the message he sent.

Received 20 minutes ago.
Mark💪: Ethan! Want to come over and shoot a video later!?

I rolled my eyes and giggled lightly as I could imagine him yelling this at me with how excited he gets when he has new ideas.

Me: Uh, sure, but what are you planning this time??

I set my phone down for a second and got up to use the bathroom when it buzzed again, and glanced at it, 'What, was he staring at his phone the whole time waiting for my reply?' I thought before I picked it up and looked at it.

Mark💪: You'll see. When is the soonest you can get here???

Me: I'll be over in ten

I stuffed my phone into my pocket, made sure that everything was saved on my computer before shutting it off and heading out of my space and down the hallway.

In ten minutes I had arrived at Mark's place and he was already pulling me out of the car only seconds after I put it in park and turned it off. "Hurry up Ethan! This is going to be my greatest idea yet!" I stumbled after him as he dragged me inside his giant house and struggled to fix my shirt sleeves when he let go of me.
"I'll be right back!"
And then he disappeared from view, glancing over I caught sight of Tyler sitting on the couch with his phone in his hand; probably scrolling through Twitter. I made my way over to the giant and plopped down next to him, causing him to look up from his phone, "Oh hey, Eth, I didn't see you come in." "I was practically dragged in through the front door, what is going on?? What is this great idea that Mark has?"
He gave me a shrug, "He hasn't told me anything about his great idea." I laughed when he did the air quotes around "great idea" And then nodded in agreement, "So no one but Mark knows what's going on? With the way he jerked me from the car I thought it was an actual emergency."
"He's a dramatic creature Ethan, only those of his kind will ever understand what's going through his head." We jumped up from our seats when we heard a crash upstairs and Chica came trotting down as quickly as she could, looking for a place to hide from her crazy owner. I rushed up the stairs with Tyler on my heels and we burst into Mark's room to see the man tangled up in several sheets and boxes of different props and items was scattered around him.
After laughing and hearing Mark yell that it's not funny for a few minutes, I walked over and went to get his feet untangled as Tyler held him still and gave a small yelp when he hit a sore spot on my left forearm causing me to flinch back as I held my arm.
"Ethan? You okay!?" Tyler asked me with concern before I nodded, "Yeah, just a bruise that Mark kind of hit." "Don't be a pussy Ethan." Mark replied in a joking manner sort of his way of apologizing to me and I gave a small chuckle in reply, "I'm alright." And then bent down to continue to get his feet out of the sheets and then Tyler pulled him onto his feet and we looked at him as he dusted himself off and then gathered the items that he dropped, "We are going to be smashing more pumpkins since we are nearing Halloween!" I rolled my eyes, remembering the past videos that he made with Tyler from carving pumpkins to the ones where they were smashed. "Only this time we will add a little bit of Darkiplier into the scene." "Kind of like what Jack did?" I asked and he turned to me, "No!" And pretended to be angry with me as he headed out of the room and down the stairs.
Tyler followed him and I checked my phone when it gave a ping! My heart sinking at the sight of who the new message was from.


Me: I was helping out Mark! I'm sorry! I forgot to tell you! It was sudden! I didn't even know until 20 minutes after I was finished with work!

Satan 😱😱:  GET HOME NOW!

I shoved my phone into my pocket and raced down the stairs and hurried to the door, pausing when Tyler called my name. I turned slightly to see the lovable giant walk towards me, his usually stoned face had shifted into a slight frown and his eyes showed worry, "Where are you going? We're about to start filming." I glanced around trying to think of an excuse but I knew there was no point, Tyler already knew my problem but I had begged him to keep quiet. "I'm in trouble." I whispered before he nodded and I raced out the door and jumped into my car, speeding away from the safety of Mark's house.

Tyler's pov

I wanted to hit myself for just allowing Ethan to leave the house. I know his problem but I froze after he told me that he was in trouble before he slipped out of the door and disappeared. I rubbed my forehead and fixed my beanie and turned from the front door when I heard Mark yelling for me, expecting Ethan to follow me out the back door into the backyard.
"Tyler, where's Blue Boy?" He looked behind me then back at me and I racked my brain from a lie, "He said he got a text from a friend that needed urgent help and told me to tell you that he was sorry that he couldn't be here to help out." I gripped my shaking hands, afraid that he would see right through the lie and call me out on it. I could feel panic slowly began to touch the edge of my mind before Mark make a weird sound and just shrugged it off, "Well let's get started then." I softly let out the breath I was holding and managed to calm down.

~time skip~

I groaned and reached over to my phone that was currently buzzing on my nightstand. After my hand danced around it for a few seconds I pulled over my phone and winced at the bright light, seeing Ethan's contact. I swiped the green answer button and held the phone up to my ear, "H-hello?" My voice was gruff and kind of husky from being woke up in the middle of the night. "Tyler..." I strained to hear Ethan's soft whisper on the other side of the phone, I could tell that he had been crying, "...Ty...ler..." He sniffed in between my name before he cleared his throat,
"...I'm so scared, everything hurts..."

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