Wardrobe Fail (hm_braverman) (Wk - 2) (WINNER)

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Wardrobe Fail

(Winner of Week 2)

"Honey, I'm up heeereee..." a voice called.

The house was black, I was soaked, the power was out. "Fixer-upper, ya! More like a death trap," I muttered.

"Come play with me, I've got a surprise for youuuu..." the voice echoed down the hall.

It sounded like my wife, but at the end of a deep well. I looked up the stairs as lightening flashed out the window.

"HOLY FUCK!" I yelled jumping back, just barely catching the banister. The lights flickered back on.

"What?! I was trying to be sexy like Kathy Bates wrapped in plastic wrap in Fried Green Tomatoes, but all we had was this shower curtain," my wife peaked her head out from under it. "Wardrobe fail?"

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