Chapter 3: New Kid

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Phil Lester was a nervous wreck. His first day at his new High School was about to start. He was currently sat on an old wooden bench in the courtyard, the morning sun shinning down on his face giving him an angelic appearance. His galaxy book-bag was occupying the spot next to him, containing various school supplies. He showed up earlier then most would, as it was his first day of school. Trying to calm himself down he reached into the overcrowded backpack and grabbed a book, Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. About five pages into the book he felt a drop of liquid hit his arm, then again, he looked up to find a massive gray cloud circling above.

"Everyone! Inside!" A teacher busted through the doors yelling.

"Great." He mumbled. Since school wasn't supposed to start for another ten minutes all the students who had already showed up were crowed into the Commons. The sound of rain pounding against the doors and windows was overpowering. Phil slouched against the wall waiting for school to actually start, since he was joining in the middle of a semester he already got a tour around school meaning he knew where all of his classes were. Luckily.

"BEEEEEEP!" It seemed as if the school bell was screaming at all the students. The children started slowly moving towards the year eleven lockers. Phil arrived at his own locker, pleasantly located towards the front of the hallway. After he grabbed an assortment of supplies he headed to his first class of the day, English. Stepping into the classroom all eyes were drawn his way.

"Ah, class this is our new student Philip." The teacher, Mr. Ferris said. Phil immediately took notice of his very northern accent.

"Umm, just Phil please." He said like the awkward little scrub that he is.

"Oh of course. Please take a seat in any of the available desks." The teachers incredibly northern accent making Phil cringe. Ha, and he thought he sounded northern. Phil walked to the desk in the very back of the classroom, sitting his stuff down. About twenty minutes had passed an Phil realised he had to piss. Damn bladder. He awkwardly raised his hand.

"Yes, Phil." The teacher said, sounding more posh this time.

"May I use the restroom sir." Phil asked politely. The teacher nodded and Phil busted out of class. There was one problem, he had no clue where the bathroom was. The hallways seemed deserted until he rounded a corner. A boy about 6 foot, sopping wet and shoes covered in mud stood there trying to get his locker open. The mystery boys hair was the colour of dark brown sugar, beautifully curled, and shaped into a halfway fringe.

"Sorry, do you know where the restroom is?" Phil asked awkwardly. The mystery boy looked up and Phil swore his heart stopped beating, holy shit those eyes.

Le cri, I tried I'm sorry. This sucksss

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