Where Do We Stand?

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We reach the football ground where the whole stage was set up for our little rock concert but only the decorating team was there giving final touch ups on the back wall of the  wooden stage.

" Well, the concert does not start for another hour." Jeremy says." I guess the guys are still practicing, which means I'll be seeing you girls then."

Jeremy tries to get out of Caroline's hold but she pinches his ear again.

" No Ashton! That means we are going to the music room to meet them." She says and starts walking.

When we turn around the corner, we see all the band members making their way out of the room. Ryan notices us and starts walking in our direction." Hey babe." He pecks Caroline on the cheek.

" Gross! Tell me I was not dragged here for this, Care." Jeremy mutters.

" Where are you guys going?" Caroline asks." Just to grab a bite before the concert. We won't be there for lunch." Ryan answers and Caroline's face falls.

" How am I supposed to eat without you?" Caroline takes Ryan's hands in her's.
" With your mouth!" Jeremy scowls and moves to my side.

" Why is Jason not with you?" I ask Ryan who softly places his arm around Caroline's shoulder. They do make a cute couple.

" Still practicing." I walk towards the room after his answer but he grabs my elbow.

" No, no. You can't meet him. Strict orders." I give him a questioning look.

" He said he really has to practice and doesn't want any disturbance. He is not doing so well with the songs right now." He lets go of my arm as I turn back to him.

" Maybe he needs me. I can help." I try to convince him but Jeremy interrupts with a scoff. " Puh-lease! You and help! I can totally imagine what you being alone in a room with Miller  will lead to. And I assure you, it's not the help he needs, Princess."

I stick my tongue out at him. " I don't know about that, but Jason really needs to practice Aurora, he is terrible right now and we really don't want our main lead to ruin the concert." Ryan says.

I shrug, trying to look nonchalant but it really doesn't work.


" Jason! Jason! Jason!"

Everyone is yelling his name in unison as he sends an air kiss towards the audience, adjusts his mic and signals Ryan to change the beat of the drums, leading towards the fifth song.

I have no idea what Ryan was going on and on about Jason being terrible because right now, he was killing it.

And I mean it. I couldn't even count how many girls had fainted till now and I didn't blame them. Jason was looking absolutely delectable in a crimson v-neck under a black leather jacket and rugged black jeans. His hair were disheveled, which only added to the sexiness, as he kept running his hands through them.

🎶 Old but I'm not that old, young but I'm not that bold and I don't think the world is sold, I'm just doing what we're told.🎶

The whole crowd goes wild at " Counting stars" by One Republic. Everyone is bouncing at their places, shouting, waving and sweating like pigs.

🎶 I, feel something so right doing the wrong thing.
I, feel something so wrong doing the right thing.
I could lie, could lie, could lie.
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive!🎶

Jason meets my eyes and takes off his jacket, swinging it over his head and throwing it in my direction but before I can catch it, a girl in front of me jumps and captures it, screaming at her victory.

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