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Instead of going to the mansion which is half hour away, Jason booked a suite for us two minutes away from the hospital. It was evening by the time we checked in and Jason's continual yawning was a signal that he needed rest.

" I forgot to pack a nightdress." I say out loud while rummaging through my bags which are kept on the bed. I hear the door of our ensuite bathroom open and footsteps coming towards me.

" Here, wear this." Jason says from behind me and pushes his shirt towards me on my right. I look at it and smile, realising it's my favourite one, the royal blue , full sleeved one. I turn around to thank him but all words stop in my throat when I see him standing mere inches away from me.


I've seen him shirtless before but that time there was a six feet distance between us and he wasn't looking at me like he is now. I gulp when my eyes shift from his encapsulating ones to his inviting lips , down to his jaw dropping torso.

We are dangerously close and he knows it. He bends a little and reaches my eye level but doesn't stop as he keeps going down. After he stands up straight again is when I realize that he was dropping the shirt on the bed behind me.

He still doesn't avert his eyes and neither do I. " You can change, I'll give you some privacy." He winks at me and turns around to go to the adjoint smaller room, his sculpted shoulder muscles and triceps clenching as he walks away.

I let out the breath I was holding and look down at the shirt behind me. I pick it up and bring it to my nose, inhaling deeply. His fragrance surrounds my senses so much that I almost pass out. It is purely Jason with a hint of musk cologne.

I immediately get out of my clothes and surround myself with him. His shirt ends at the mid of my thigh with the sleeves exceeding my arm length. I fold the sleeves a little and smell the shirt again, my face splitting into a smile.

Someone knocks at the door and I turn around. Jason, still shirtless and in faded jeans, gives me a sly smile and starts walking towards me. I fiddle with my sleeve and bite my lip while looking at him. He reaches me and holds my shoulder with one hand while pulls my lip out of the grasp of my teeth with other." Let me do that for you." He says before lowering his face and taking my bottom lip between his teeth. The little pressure he applies on my sensitive lip is enough to send shock waves throughout my body.

His hand slides from my shoulder to the small of my back and he pulls me closer. My hands slide up his bare chest, around his neck, enjoying the feel of his skin. He increases the pace by introducing his tongue in our lip lock and I moan as soon as I taste him.

His other hand works its way down on my bare thigh and rides up slowly under my shirt. My breathing becomes staggered and I loose my focus from the kiss as his hand rests on my bare stomach. He keeps sliding it towards my back and reaches the hook of my bra and without any delay, he unhooks it.

I take in a shocked gasp, not kissing him anymore as I can't breathe if I keep my mouth busy, but that doesn't stop him. His kissing becomes more vigorous, begging me to support him, and I finally do and kiss him with the same ardency. His index finger slides right below my left breast and I labour a lot to keep kissing him, bundling his hair in my hands.

His hand that is torturing me right now, comes and rests between my breasts under my loose my bra and I almost scream at the warmth it is dissipating.

" Hey guys, our suite is really really tacky and the bed has termites, so we are using your extra room." Jenna says from the other room.

I love Jenna, I really do but this time I really want to murder her.

I hit my head twice with the heel of my palm, not finding our situation funny at all this time, because this time, I'm painfully turned on and I know I'm going to be like this for a long time.

Jason groans loudly and like a gentleman, hooks my bra back before going to the other room to meet Jenna. I lay down on the queen sized bed behind me and let out a frustrated breath.

Does she have some kind of a radar or detector to find out whenever we are about to...


I curl myself in a ball on the left side of the bed, taking deep breaths to ease the throbbing due to our rendezvous. I'm so absorbed in calming myself that I don't notice Jason entering the room and laying beside me on the bed.

When he curls his arm around my waist and pulls me towards him, with my back against his front, is when I snap out of my trance. I turn to face him and he kisses my forehead." Sleep, you'll feel better." He looks down at me and after a pause says," I love you."He places his chin on my head, pulling me closer to him.

I smile to myself, and kiss his chest." I love you too, Jason." I bury my face in the crook of his neck, and wait for sleep to come, but Jason's mere presence is so tranquilizing that I immediately pass out surrounding myself with his dreams where we finally finish what we start.


My eyes snap open due to the urge to empty my bladder. My back is molded into Jason's front with his arm tightly wrapped around me as if he's afraid I'd leave his side. His face is so close to the back of mine that his warm breath tickles my ear.

This is paradise!

With heavy reluctance, I remove his hand carefully to go to the loo. When I come out of the bathroom, I hear light snoring in the next room.

Oh no Jenna! I didn't get any rest, you aren't getting any too!

I put on my jeans while still wearing Jason's shirt and go to the respective room. Aunt May is sprawled on the only single bed while Jenna has taken to the plush couch. I feel a little sheepish about my plan to wake her up but as soon as I see the time in the digital clock hanging on the wall, the reason to wake Jenna shifts. The clock displays five in the morning.

I rush to Jenna's side and shake her slightly." Jenna! Jenna! Wake up!" I whisper yell. She opens her eyes a little and tries to focus on my face in the dim light. " What! What happened-" She mumbles and yawns before continuing," Are you okay?" She sits up on her elbows.

" I'm fine, but look-" I say and point towards the clock." It's five. Today's Jason's birthday and we have to prepare the cake that we planned about." I say in excitement. She rubs her eyes and eases herself into a sitting position on the couch, still not completely awake." But how are we-" she starts with her queries but I cut her mid-sentence. " We can ask at the reception for the materials we need and if not, I saw a big bakery just a few blocks away. Come on." I plead and she chuckles before getting up and straightening her top.

" Fine then, let's get started!"

Next one coming sooner than you can blink.

Love you all😘

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