Turning Tables

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He was sitting on the bed waiting rather impatiently. Where the fuck was she? No, he hadn't called to tell her he was coming but it wasn't like she went anywhere really. He usually knew when she did, she kept him pretty well caught up with her activities. It was nearly 11:00 and she wasn't back yet. He hadn't made a good enough excuse to Kristen to be gone this long. After waiting all this time though he wasn't going to leave without seeing her and at least figuring out where she had been. He had never been able to stop feeling possessive of Stevie. He could subdue it and restrain himself from going into jealous rages but that didn't mean the feeling left. He couldn't help feel like Stevie was for him only. He shouldn't feel like that about her, hated that he got angry when he would see her giggling with Mick in the back of the room. It wasn't something that could be helped. He was grateful that she didn't act that way when he was with Kristen. Stevie accepted her role in this love triangle, if that's what you wanted to call it. She was ok with being with him when they could. They went on long tours and they had more of a normal "relationship" during these times. He actually couldn't wait for the next tour...

He snapped back into reality when he heard the front door slam. He looked down at his watch. 12:08. She had certainly stayed out late. She walked into the room and sort of threw her bag over to the side and walked into her bathroom. She hadn't noticed him there but he had studied her. He could tell she was a bit tipsy but damn she looked sexy. He thought he should wait for her to finish her nightly routine but the more he thought about how she looked the more he realized that he couldn't wait to get his hands on her. He quickly opened the door and stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her. "Jesus Christ Lindsey! You scared the hell out of me!" she exclaimed. He moved her hair off her shoulder and began to kiss her neck. "Mmmm, Lindsey, when did you get here?" she asked, enjoying his lips on her bare skin. He turned her around and kissed her hungrily. She pulled back for a moment. "Lindsey?" she questioned him, waiting for his answer. "Later" he replied, going back to her mouth. He wanted her and his desire was the only thing he could think about at the moment. He picked her up and moved his lips to her chest and carried her to the bed. It was definitely worth the wait. 

Stevie rolled over, exhausted a while later. "Someone was excited for me to come home." she chuckled. "I'm always excited for you to come home. The fact that I had been waiting for 5 hours might have had something to do with it too." he told her. "Christ, Lindsey, you were here that long? I'm sorry. I didn't know you were here or I wouldn't have stayed out so long." she apologized. "It's fine, it's not like I called. You're usually just home when I come over. Where were you anyway?" he said, trying to not seem too curious. "Oh, we just went shopping and then had a few drinks at dinner." she said nonchalantly. Shopping. He should have known. Stevie was always shopping. "Big surprise there. Did you have a good time?" he asked. "Yeah, I found a fabulous new top, its..." she started. "Black, with chiffon and flowy." he finished. She flipped him off. "You're just a little predictable Stevie." he offered. "Oh and you're not? Mr. Leather Jacket, skinny jeans, and boots?" she countered. "Fine, we're both a little predictable. Happy?" he asked. They weren't arguing. They always engaged in playful banter. She pulled him closer to her and ran her hands over his still bare body. "Mmm, very." she said seductively. He kissed her but knew he should be getting home soon. It would be harder to sneak in in the morning. She pulled away from him and stood up out of the bed. She reached over to the chair and grabbed her robe and tied it around her. "Aww, Stevie you didn't have to do that." he whined. "Well Lindsey, unlike some people I would prefer not to walk around my house nude. It does get a little cold." she teased. She walked over and picked up his clothes and laid them at the edge of the bed. It was kind of a routine. Usually it wasn't just sex and Lindsey left but he had already been here too long. She straightened up around her room while he dressed. She didn't want to sit around and watch him get ready to leave and go back to his wife. She was used to it but it didn't mean she enjoyed it. He pulled his jacket on and walked up to her pulling her close to him. "Sorry I have to leave so soon baby. I'll call next time so we can spend some more time together. I'll be back soon. I love you." he said before kissing her. "I love you too Lindsey. Call me." she reminded him as she always did before he left. She thought he could manage to call her between the times that he came to sleep with her. It wasn't that much to ask. 

She walked into her bathroom and finished her nightly routine. As she removed her makeup she thought about the events of the night. She, Lori, and Karen were having a great dinner, just laughing about anything. After a few glasses of wine anything was funny. "I thought I recognized that laugh!" she heard from behind her. She turned around and jumped up. "Robert! I haven't seen you in such a long time!" she exclaimed. He pulled her in for a hug. "It's good to see you Stevie. I was just going up to the bar. Do you want to have a drink and catch up?" he asked. "Of course." she said without hesitation. She followed him to the bar and ordered another glass of wine. The conversation came easily with Robert, they had always gotten on very well. She supposed the time was passing quickly because before she knew it Karen interrupted a story Stevie was telling. Karen looked at her apologetically, "Sorry to interrupt you Stevie but Lori and I have a few things to do in the morning..." she trailed off, trying to let Stevie know that they needed to leave. Stevie sighed. She was actually enjoying herself, talking to someone who understood her life and now she would need to go. "I can drive you home a little later if you'd like Stevie." he offered. Stevie accepted and said goodbye to Lori and Karen. She turned and went back to her conversation. 3 glasses of wine later Robert told her, "We should probably be going, It's almost midnight." "Really? I hadn't even realized. You're right." she agreed and followed him out to his car. She directed him to her house and when he stopped her looked over at her. "It was great catching up with you Stevie. We should really do it again soon. Are you home for awhile?" he asked. "I know , I had so much fun. I'm home for a few months. Call me when you're free. We should get together again." she told him and she meant it. She had had a great time. She was surprised when he grabbed her hand and kissed the top of it. She gave him a hug and told him goodbye. She noticed the way that he watched her leave. She knew that look but this was Robert Plant? Surely she was misreading the signs. She had Lindsey but she was still alone most of the time. She didn't really have Lindsey, it was more like she slept with Lindsey when he had time and they were "together" if you could call it that while they were on the road. She had really enjoyed her evening with Robert. She loved Lindsey but she didn't see why that meant she couldn't hang out with Robert. It wasn't like she was trying to be in a relationship or anything. She deserved to have someone to spend time with, didn't she? She didn't complain when Lindsey went home to Kristen. She couldn't tell Lindsey about any of this because whether it was just a friendship or not he would be jealous. She decided that she was taking this possible scenario way too far in her head. She was thinking about all of these what if's from a look that she thought she saw. Hell, she couldn't see for shit. She was overreacting. She must still be a little tipsy from the wine. She wasn't thinking straight. She needed to sleep and not think of her crazy notions. 

Morning came way too soon for Stevie. She lay still for a bit, trying to slowly will herself awake. It was the last thing she wanted to do because her head was pounding. She had drank way too much wine last night. She heard the familiar knock at her door, knowing it was Karen with her coffee and hopefully a few aspirin. "'I'm up!" she called. Karen walked in and stopped short taking in the scene around her. First of all Stevie looked like a huge mess, her hair sticking up everywhere and she was definitely hungover. The bed was so messed up and the sheet was hanging off the opposite side of the bed. It still amazed her sometimes at what her boss, who was in her sixties, was still up to. "Oh my GOD Stevie. What the hell happened in here? I mean, I knew you and Robert were getting along great but I didn't know it was THAT great. So spill." she said quickly. Stevie sighed and reached for her coffee. "Christ Karen, get your mind out of the gutter. Robert just dropped me off." she said. "No way are you getting out of this that easily. You didn't tear this bed up yourself Stevie. So what happened after he dropped you off?" Karen insisted. Stevie rolled her eyes, wishing Karen would let this go. "Like I ALREADY said, Robert dropped me off. I came inside and Lindsey was waiting." she said offering nothing else. It wasn't like Karen didn't know about what happened there. It was Karen's turn to roll her eyes. She couldn't stand Lindsey and this arrangement he and Stevie had. "God Stevie, I thought it wasn't going to be something good. I mean you know you leave with Robert Plant," she said emphatically, "but then you sl-come home to Lindsey Buckingham." she corrected when Stevie raised her eyebrows. The relationship with Lindsey wasn't a secret but that didn't mean that she was ok with Karen talking about who she slept with. Stevie knew better than anyone else. No reminder was necessary. "Ok Karen, enough with this. I feel like shit and I don't want to talk about it anymore." Stevie said, abruptly ending the conversation. 

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