Chapter 2

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"No, I don't have any plans today. Christ Lindsey, you act like I'm always going out. You have literally waited for me ONE time, when I didn't even know you were coming. Do I need to even start about how many times I have waited when you said you were coming?" Stevie said a few days later. "Ok, fine. I'll be over a little while. Kristen and the kids are going over to her parents for the day." Lindsey told her. "Ok, that sounds great. I'll see you soon." she said before hanging up. She started to get ready before Lindsey got there. When she finished she went into the kitchen to start making lunch for them. It wasn't like they could exactly go out anywhere. She placed everything at the table and waited for a few minutes before going back into her bathroom to brush her hair again and touch up her makeup. It wasn't like she had anything else to do. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, taking in her appearance. God, she was really aging. She couldn't deny that she was sometimes frustrated with she and Lindsey's situation but Lindsey looked at her as if she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Lindsey made her feel young and loved for the way she was. She didn't have to change anything for him. She just had to wait for him to find time away from his wife. She sighed and walked back into the living room. Finally she heard a knock at her door. She opened it and couldn't help but stare wordlessly at Lindsey. He looked disheveled and she was pretty sure that she could see lipstick on his lips. She rolled her eyes and moved aside so that he could walk in. Why did she even put up with this shit? He was going to want to sleep with her, he never left before they did and she could tell he had already done the same with Kristen before he came. It was probably a little message for her from Kristen. She had to know where Lindsey went constantly. If Kristen wanted to play that way, Stevie could do the same. Lindsey tried to kiss her and Stevie put her hand in front of her face. "Pink isn't really my color." she said hatefully. "I'm so glad you took the time to look nice for me." she said sarcastically in reference to his disheveled state. Lindsey looked at her, totally confused, searching her eyes for an answer. "Fuck Lindsey, go wash Kristen's fucking lipstick off your face and maybe straighten yourself up so that I can kind of pretend that it isn't obvious that you just fucked her." Stevie said bluntly. She could tell from Lindsey's face that he was shocked that she had noticed. He didn't say anything and made his way back to her bathroom. A few minutes later he made his way back to the dining room and joined her. He grabbed her hand it pressed it to his lips. "I'm sorry." he mumbled. She waved him off. She didn't want to talk about it. 

"I'm so tired of being stuck in this house." Stevie complained a little later. "What do you want to do? We could go for a drive." Lindsey suggested as they sat cudded together on her couch. "I want to go to the movies or to the beach or something. It's just as bad to be stuck in a car." she whined. "What do you want to watch? We could rent a movie or something." he replied, letting her know without saying it that they would not be going anywhere alone together. "Just forget it." she huffed. "Stevie, what's wrong with you today?" Lindsey asked. Apparently that was the wrong thing to ask because her eyes immediately flashed angrily. "What's wrong? Are you really asking me that Lindsey? Why don't you think about the events of today, maybe even the last few days and then I'm sure you won't be asking that question again." she said angrily. "I am sorry, Stevie. You know that I love you." he told her. She sighed. Of course she knew that. "I don't want to talk about it Lindsey. Just drop it." she told him and got up to get a glass of wine. She heard Lindsey talking on the phone while she poured the glass and when she walked back into the living room Lindsey immediately met her with a kiss. He was trying to escalate the situation quickly and Stevie knew what he was doing. "Who was that?" she asked between kisses, knowing the answer. "They're going to be home in an hour." he said, trying to unbutton her top in the process. "So that means hurry and fuck me Stevie because I have to go back to my family now?" she said. She could tell he was surprised by her response, she usually didn't react this way. He was just getting more careless and she was starting to feel like all he cared about was getting her into bed. How long was she going to have to wait this out? "Fuck it." she said and allowed Lindsey to continue. She thought she would be more than happy to relieve some of her frustrations and if she got a little carried away, well so be it. She gave Lindsey an extra long kiss before he walked out the door and smiled after he turned away, knowing that his lips were no longer pink. She hoped Kristen enjoyed red. 

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