Chapter 5

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Stevie was in her bathroom getting ready for the day. She hadn't heard from Lindsey but she knew it was coming. She decided she would keep her calm and wasn't going to act as crazy as she knew Lindsey would. Almost on cue she heard her front door slam. Here we go she thought. He walked swiftly into her bathroom and she saw a mixture of anger and hurt in his eyes. "Hi Lindsey." she said softly, knowing that he was getting ready to go off. "Is that all you have to say to me Stevie? What the fuck are you doing?" he thundered. Stevie looked over at him impatiently. "What does it look like I'm doing Lindsey, I'm getting ready." she told him, knowing that it was not what he wanted to know. He glared furiously at her. "Don't give me that bullshit Stevie, I saw you at that party last night." he said accusingly. "And your point would be what? I go to parties all the time." she said acting as if he were being ridiculous. "Not holding hands and cuddling up to men, to Robert Plant you don't. What are you doing here Stevie." he asked, the hurt seeping through his anger. She sighed. "Are you seeing him Stevie?" he asked. She didn't want to answer but she wasn't going to lie. There was nothing wrong with her wanting to live a normal life. "Yes, I've been seeing him." she said without meeting his eyes. "So this is it? You don't want to be with me anymore?" he asked her, anger seeping back into his voice. "God damn it Lindsey don't put words in my mouth!" she said angrily. "Oh I'm sorry but that was the conclusion that I came to when you were out acting like a slut." he said nastily. She walked up and slapped him across the face. "How dare you say that to me Lindsey!" she screamed. "What am I supposed to say Stevie when you're with someone else when you're with me?" he screamed louder. "Since when am I with you Lindsey? I'm not with you. You're married and I'm here when you're on tour and when you can get away from your wife. I'm alone more than I'm with you! It's so selfish of you to expect me to sit here everyday for years waiting for you to find time for me! It's not fair! You have someone that you have a life with and I haven't done what you're doing now over the fact that I am just seeing someone. I deserve to be happy too." she told him before walking out of the bathroom. "You're not happy Stevie?" he asked following her out of the room. He sighed in relief when he looked over to her bed that she had obviously slept in alone. She turned back to him with tears in her eyes. "Lindsey, I love you more than anyone else but I'm lonely. I've been sitting here waiting for my life to begin and I'm only getting older. Lindsey I am 64 years old. I have no idea how long I'll still be alive in 10 years. I know that you love me, I really do and I'm not saying I don't want to continue what we're doing. The only difference is that I'm not going to be sitting here waiting. I think that I deserve to try to find some happiness in my life. It's a very hard thing to be trying to wait 18 years to start a new life with someone. To be constantly sneaking around and feeling more alone that I did before. This doesn't change how I feel about you. Nothing can change that Lindsey." she said, tears streaming down her face. He wanted to go comfort her but he wasn't sure he felt like doing that. Her truths had hit him hard. He had no idea how unhappy she was with all of this. But how could she expect him to share her with someone else. The thought literally made him sick. "I'm supposed to just be ok with you being with someone else? To just pretend I don't know you're probably fucking him? That's a lot Stevie." he told her. "It's no more than you ask me to do." she said bluntly. It was killing him to know that someone else was winning her affection. "This is alot Stevie. Do you love him?" he finally asked what he wanted to know. She looked at him incredulously. "Of course not Lindsey! I haven't even been seeing him that long! I do care about him if I'm being honest. I don't really think that this is a conversation that we need to have." she said ending it abruptly. Her phone was ringing and she stepped out to answer it. He listened to her in the hallway. "I'll be ready in an hour. Ok I'll see you soon." she said hanging up and walking back into the room. "Going somewhere Stevie?" he asked rudely. "Yes I am actually. So I'm not sure where you and I are going with this conversation..." she said, trying to bring it all to a conclusion. He took it as she was trying to get rid of him so she could go off on her date. He strode purposely across the room and kissed her hard. He would remind her of why they were so good together. He tried to direct her over to the bed and was getting angry as he felt her resistance. "Lindsey stop it." she told him. "Since when have you ever said stop." he said, ignoring her and kissing her harder. She finally pushed him away from her. "Damn it Lindsey, you're being too rough. I'm not going to do this when you're acting this way. You just always expect me to fuck you whenever you want but I'm not going to be treated like this." she told him angrily. He could tell she was serious.  "Lindsey I think you need to get your head together on this. I know that you're upset but you can't act like this toward me. I think you should leave before anything happens that we're going to regret later." she told him firmly. She thought his expression almost seemed lost. He was so used to her waiting always willing and waiting for whatever he wanted. "I can't lose you Stevie." he told her tearfully. She sighed. "Lindsey, I'm not going anywhere. Don't forget we'll be going on tour soon. We can do a lot of talking then." she said kindly. "We'll talk whenever you're ready." she told him before he left. 

She was thankful that he had left when Robert pulled in just a few minutes later. "Hi!" she greeted him before standing on her tiptoes to give him a kiss. "You look beautiful today Stevie." he complimented her. She smiled at him and took him by the hand and led her out. They were going out on a boat today, Robert trying to make the most of their time together before she went on tour the next month. They had barely been in the car a few minutes when her cell phone started to ring. She pulled it out of the purse and squinted at the screen. Lindsey. He was going to be this way about things? She hit the ignore button and put it back in her purse. He immediately called again. And again. And again. Finally Robert said, "Maybe you should just answer it Stevie." She nodded and picked up the call. "Yes?" she answered tersely. "Why have you been ignoring my calls Stevie?" he asked her. "I'm in the car. What do you need?" she asked. "When are you going to be home? I want to talk again." he demanded. God he was just as jealous and possessive as ever. "I have no idea." she said, vaguely not really wanting Robert to hear their dysfunctional relationship on display. "When I know I'll let you know." she told him. "Fine." he told her angrily before hanging up. She was angry that he was trying to make sure Robert knew that he was around. God, why is he like this! Stevie's eyes were filled with angry tears. She looked out the window so that Robert wouldn't see her. He took her hand. "What was that all about? You okay?" he asked her. "I'm fine, just frustrated. I just haven't had the best morning." she said, still not wanting him to know too much. "Because of him? What happened?" he pressed. So he knew Lindsey was the one who called. Exactly what Lindsey had wanted Stevie thought bitterly. "He came to my house this morning. He saw that we were at the party together and he wasn't happy about it. He's just always been jealous. And now he's trying to bother me to make sure I don't have a good time I guess." Stevie told him. Robert shook his head and took her phone out of her lap and turned it off. "Well we don't have to worry about that. Stevie, let it go. You deserve to get to have a good time." he told her before he kissed her hand. He was determined that by the end of the day she wouldn't even remember how bad her day had been.

Robert dropped her off later that night and Stevie was tired but she was happy. It had been such a fun day. She loved that he could just take her away from everything. He walked her in and kissed her for a few minutes before he left. Lindsey had been sitting watching her from the upstairs. He watched the way she kissed him and her expression when she pulled away. It was more serious than he thought. She really did care about him. Stevie screamed when she saw a shadow on the stairs. "Stevie it's me." he said before she went into a panic. "Fuck Lindsey! You scared the hell out of me! What are you doing here?" she demanded. "Did you have fun on your date? It seemed like you were enjoying yourself." he sneered. "Were you watching me Lindsey? Oh my god what is wrong with you! You know you haven't really changed at all! I thought you were over all this crazy possessive jealousy but you're not. I'm not going to go through this again Lindsey!" she yelled. "I'm not going to give you up without a fight Stevie. I love you more than he ever will. You just have to let me." he told her. He could tell she didn't believe him. "I've never said you don't love me Lindsey. All I said was I'm tired of being lonely. I've been alone for a very long time." she reminded him. "Well, you're not going to be alone tonight." he told her before scooping her up in his arms and carrying her to bed. He made love to her with an urgency like never before. Stevie really felt guilty about sleeping with both of them but she didn't have much time to think about that. She was really getting herself into a tangled mess here. Lindsey was here with her now but he would be going home soon. It was hard to think about that when he looked at her as lovingly as he did. Lindsey was happy that she hadn't pushed him away. She was everything he had ever wanted and he didn't want to lose her. When he looked down at her face and kissed her lips he couldn't help but replay the image of her kissing Robert and the look on her face. He could see that she felt something for him. 

When she woke up Lindsey was gone, reminding her how empty this whole situation was whenever she wasn't with Lindsey. She couldn't help but compare him with Robert. Robert had at least woken her up when he left to say goodbye. Lindsey wasn't nearly as thoughtful as Robert was. She was just going to keep doing what she had been doing and letting things play themselves out but she couldn't help but feel bad about how it was going. Robert was treating her better than she had ever been treated. She loved that feeling of being important, a priority. She reminded herself of the fact that she would be going on tour soon and things would probably change. That would probably be the determining factor if Robert would stick around or not. Most guys even the rock stars hadn't been willing to deal with her schedule. She couldn't help but hope that he did. She was going to have to talk to Lindsey. He couldn't just show up at her house like that anymore. This had been their problem before. She was unhappy with the situation and he became so smothering she couldn't deal with it anymore. She wanted nothing more than for things to work out with Lindsey but she had doubts now. She just wished he had never put her in this situation in the first place. 

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