Chapter 9

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They asked her to talk to him. It had been 8 months since she had told him she couldn't continue with him. She hadn't seen him after the tour was over. Mick and John had both come by and called. She was the only one who could help him they had told her. Even Christine had come by yesterday to see her. "He needs you Stevie." she told her. "There is nothing I can do to help. I'd only make it worse Chris. I haven't changed my mind. I'm going to marry Robert." Stevie insisted. "Stevie, he's given up on everything. He doesn't even write anymore." Chris told her, trying to stress to her the seriousness of it. It broke Stevie's heart to know that Lindsey was feeling this terrible. What had he expected? For her to just continue the way they were going? For her to feel the way that he did. "Chris, if I talk to him it's only going to make it worse. I can't give him what he wants. He'll turn back to his music. He always does. This has happened before." she said, referring to their previous break ups. "He has a beautiful family. They'll get him through it. I know he loves Kristen, he just never allowed himself to because of me." she added. Chris shook her head sadly. "Stevie, he started drinking. A lot. More than I do if you can believe that. He shut everyone out. Kristen kicked him out. He's staying in my guest house." Chris told her, noting the shock on Stevie's face. She needed to know. Things weren't getting better for Lindsey, only worse. "Oh no Chris. How could she do that to him? Thank you for helping him." Stevie told her, trying to not show that how worried she really was. "I can give him a place to stay Stevie. I can't pull him through this." Chris reiterated. "Does he even know you're here?" "No, he doesn't. I just know you're the only one who can help him." Chris was almost begging her at this point. Stevie shook her head. "I can't Chris. I can't fix this now. He and I are over and that's not what he wants to hear. I know him. Seeing me right now will make it worse." Stevie said sadly. Chris started to say something else until they were joined in the kitchen by Robert. He kissed Stevie before saying hello to Christine. "Wedding planning?" he asked. Stevie smiled up at him and nodded. "We don't have much longer, just trying to get it all together. What are you doing here?" she asked. "Just wanted to say hi. I thought we could go out for dinner. Do you want to join us Christine?" he asked politely. "No, no I've got to get going. I've got a house guest to attend to. Think about what I said Stevie." she said before showing herself out. Stevie turned to Robert, "Where do you want to have dinner honey?" she asked him. "What about that little place on the beach that you love? What was that all about?" he asked, knowing something was going on. Stevie sighed heavily. "Chris and all the guys have been coming over and calling trying to get me to talk to Lindsey. Kristen kicked him out and he's started drinking. They said he's spiraling and they think I'm the only one who can help him. It's true that I know him better than anyone else but that being the case I know that talking to me would do the opposite of helping. I love you and we're still getting married this weekend. I can't give him what he wants from me." she told him. "If I thought you were wrong I would tell you to go see him. I know he's a big part of your life Stevie, but you're right. You can't help him." he told her. He pulled her close to him to comfort her. He knew it was tearing her up that she had hurt Lindsey but she had the same thing happen to her. "I love you, you know." she whispered to him. "I know and I love you darling. Let's go to dinner." 

Lindsey lay in bed listening to his iPod. Of course they were all Stevie's songs. It was the only way he could be with her now. He listened to her words and how she loved him and it tore him up. He took another drink right out of the bottle. He wished he could go back and change everything. He listened to her voice singing Landslide and he angrily threw what he had in his hand against the wall. He could have changed everything if he hadn't taken her for granted. He replayed every moment in his head. Everything good, everything bad he saw it. He thought of how he could hace changed it. He was driving himself crazy doing it. He listened to her words of heartbreak when she was feeling the same way he did when he married Kristen. He knew exactly what she meant. He laid there getting more drunk as the day went by. He didn't even know what day it was. He was brought back to reality when Christine walked through the door. "Lindsey you haven't left this place in a week. Get your ass up and get in the shower. You're getting out of this house and we're going to go to dinner. I'm not taking no for an answer. I'm going to sit here until you get your ass up." she said. And to prove her point she sat down and crossed her arms. "Chris..." Lindsey whined. "Now Buckingham." she said. He sighed and got up knowing Chris wouldn't get up. When he got out of the shower he almost felt semi-normal. "Ok, let's go. Mick and John are going to meet us out. I thought we could use a good night." she told him. "Oh Mick and John are around? You're right it would be good to see everyone." he stopped abruptly. He wouldn't be seeing everyone, he remembered. "Come on, I'm driving." she said, trying to keep him moving. His mood improved some when they arrived and saw Mick and John. Mick was always the life of the party and Lindsey was appreciative of it for now. "What are you guys doing over here? I thought you'd be enjoying Hawaii right now." Lindsey asked. Mick paused slightly then quickly recovered. "We've just got a few different things going on right now." he replied vaguely. Lindsey didn't let it go. "Anything I can help with?" he asked. They didn't want to tell them they were really in town for Stevie's wedding so Mick quickly made something up. "Yeah, sure, maybe you could help us out with some tracks we've been working on. I was wanting to do that a little later in the week if you're not busy." Mick said quickly. "Yeah that'd be great." Lindsey said almost enthusiastically. He got up to go to the bathroom. He made his way back and heard a familiar voice. He couldn't help but look for it and there she was. She was sititng in a booth in the back cuddled next to the one who had taken her away from him. His heart leapt at seeing her but the pain of seeing her with someone else was debilitating. He turned right around to tell Chris they needed to go. He couldn't take being there knowing she was there. Chris was taken aback by the look on his face. "Chris I need to get home." he said urgently. Mick started to protest but Christine silenced him with a look. Something had happened. She stood up quickly and place a $100 on the table, Mick and John following suit. Mick and John took the lead and Christine wrapped her arm around Lindsey. What had happened?

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