Chapter 6 : Imagination or Memory?

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(Y/n pov)

I slowly opened my eyes seeing a bright f/c color on the ceiling. I was confuse from what happened until I remembered some bits of fragments. I quickly jolted up but my head started to hurt and I am begining to feel dizziness on me. My mind was raging like a huricane. I touched at the side of my skull trying to stop the headaches and the dizziness.
"Don't do that or else you head might've hurt." I turned to looked at masky who was seating a chair beside me. His mask wasn't covering his face.
"W-why are you-"
"They said that I should be the one who is going to watch you." He interupts.
"Oh." Is all I can say.
"But, did you accepted it?" I asked as he turned away.
"N-no! They forced me." He says while he isn't looking at me.
"O-ok then." I say. I don't know if I am hallucinating or not because I just saw him blushing.
"Where are they?" I asked as he looked at.
"They're outside." He says while he crossed his arms.
"Okay. And what happened to me?" I asked looking at him. He shrugged.
"I dunno, but Jeff did say that you were cutting and you suddenly fainted because of blood loss." He says as I nodded.
"I knew this would have happened." I muttered under my breathe.
"You knew?" 'Shit!' I thought as I looked at him.
"Ye-yeah..I have been doing that since...uhh...I don't know maybe..when I was 10 or something." I said shrugging.
"You were doing that since 10?" He says quite shock and I think worry? I nodded.
"When my father started abusing me I actually loss a lot of blood when I was abused by him but now..I guess I'm finally free from him." I say smiling. I can see his eyes were worried about me. Those worry feeling in his eyes suddenly disappeared.
"So your father was abusive?" He asked as I nodded.

(Masky's pov)

"You knew?" I asked looking at her beautiful e/c eyes.
"Ye-yeah..I have been doing that since...uhh...I don't know maybe..when I was 10 or something." She says shrugging.
"You were doing that since 10?" I said quite shock and also worried. She nods.
"When my father started abusing me I actually loss a lot of blood when I was abused by him but now..I guess I'm finally free from him." She said as she smiled. I suddenly felt sad about her since she has been abused by his father since childhood. I then hide my worry for her.
"So your father was abusive?" I asked trying to act normal. She nodded.
"When I was 9 I think my parents became abusive. Though I don't know why are they abusing me. But when mom died in a car crash. My father blamed me so, he abused me even more. And when I was 10 he...whipped me on my birthdays. But I got used to those abusives I guess." She says. I can see a tear slipped from her eye. She wiped it as she sniffed.
"Though I'm happy that I am living with you creepypasta's more than my father." She says as tears started to fall from her e/c eyes. I went closer to her and wiped the tear from her eyes. She looked at me in those beautiful e/c eyes. I can feel my blush creeping up to my skin.
"Look y/n don't cry. I...don't like crybabies like you." I said as I wiped her tears. She smiled. Nods.
"Ok. I won't cry." She said as she hold my hands and moved them away from her face and let my hand go (that made me quite disappointed) as she sniffed and wiped her tears again.
"Th-thanks." She says I looked at her confuse.
"For comforting me." She says. I nodded.
"No problem." I said as I smiled a little. She then looked at her wrist seeing some scars left after healing.
"Why are my cuts all healed up?" She asked as she was loking at her arms to wrist.
"Well...when jeff saw you cutting and when you fainted jeff called nurse anne to heal those cuts of yours turning it into scars." I said.
"So it meant jeff helped me?" She asked as I nodded. I can feel jealousy started to rise up in me. Tho I don't know why am I jealous about it.
"Huh, wht didn't I remembered that."
"You mean jeff helping you?"
"No not that. I mean the cutting part. Why didn't I remember that?" She asked clearly more to herself. Y/n then shrugged.
"Must've been because of my split personality or somehing." She says as I heard her mutter something in the end.
"Though," she starts "I did remembered that jeff helped me but not the cutting one." She says.
"So uh...y/n." I said she then looked at me.
"Yeah?" She says looking at me. Her beautiful e/y eyes looking straight at me.
"Your eyes are so beautiful y/n." I whispered.
"Sorry what?" I suddenly shooked my head and looked at her. My blush is slowly creeping up to my skin again.
"I-it's nothing." I said trying to avoid eye contact to her.
"Okay then. But what are you going to say?"
"O-oh..well I was going to ask if jeff and you are..." I asked meaning if they are in some sort of relationship to each other.
"Oh! Well we are best friends since when I was a child and so as slenderman. From what they said." She says. 'They have been friends since she was a kid. Huh, quite lucky for him.' I thought feeling jealous and quite mad at jeff. But I don't really know why am I being jealous about it.
"Umm...Masky." Y/n starts I looked at her.
"Yeah?" She was hesitant at first but sighs.
"Have you...seen me somewhere in my..childhood days?" She asked as her voice is getting quieter like a whisper now. I thought about it. Recollecting my past trying to remember some details. But I didn't saw her in my memories. I shooked my head.
"No, why do you asked?"
"Well.." she started to fidget her hands. "Your Real name is timothy right?" She asked I nodded somehow shocked but also confuse. 'Where and how did she found out my name? I know that no one knows my name only hoodie knows it.' I thought. She sighed.
"I don't know about my memories but my memories are often mixed up and I don't really trusted my past memories since sometimes it mixes my imaginations and my realities that happened. So that's why I'm asking you if you had seen me when I was in a childhood days." She explained. I nodded
"Though, I got a question. Can you..tell me what memory did you saw?" I asked as Y/n nodded.
"Sure." She says as she sits up straight and sighed.
"Well, I saw that I was at the park around on my 10 to 13 years old from where I often go and escape from my dad and play around. And while I play I was walking around the town a bit since I got bored at the park and there I saw a man that had brown hair and blue eyes though, I am not entirely sure if it's really blue but I often saw him right next to the clinic but sometimes I saw him at the park a bit farther from where I used to play. When we both met up again I asked his name and he said that his name was Timothy Wrights(A/n : Sorry if I had mistaken Masky's real name ples tell meh ;^;). And I said my name in exchanged. And after our talk to each other he didn't came back anymore at the park or at the place we often visits. Me and that person aren't really that close but we were only acquaintance since, I don't talk to anyone. Usually because of the other people judged me so nobody talks to me. People ignored me that day so he was the only person who I talked to when I was just a kid." She said as she slouched a bit and her voice is bit lower making hard for me to hear it. She suddenly sit up straight and smiled at me.
"Well, that's what I only remembered. So does that ring a bell on to something?" She asked. I thought about it from what she told but nothing came out. I shook my head.
"Oh. Well I guess that was my only imagination then." She said smiling a bit.
"But..that imagination felt...real though.." she said quietly. She in deep thought about that memory she told. She suddenly muttered something but I can't hear it so I let it slide for now.
"So, how are you feeling?" I asked trying to change the subject. She looked at me and smiled.

"I'm feeling better."

1539 words

Yaay! I finally made a f*cking Chapter! Sorry if this chapter just took long and is boring but Hope you enjoyed it still-


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