Chapter 8 : Jealousy?-

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"Wait, Jeff's coming with us?" Masky's voice sounded annoyed but, he kept his anger bottled in. Jen nodded.

"What's wrong with that?" Jen asked, oblivious from his tone. Masky let out a sigh trying to control his anger.

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong with it." He says going back from his monotone voice.

"Alright then..?" She says as she left the room. 'Odd..' she thought as she continued walking.

(Masky's –Indirect– pov)

Masky let out an annoyed groan as he slammed his fist on the wall, cracking it slightly. 'Why him?!' He thought as he quietly cussed.

Masky was getting slightly irritated from Jeff. He didn't want to believe but, he was having feelings for the new girl, y/n yet, he doesn't know her much. But Jeff and Slenderman does.

His anger was blocking the fact that he was jealous from Jeff. He wasn't pissed off because of Jeff's annoying ass is coming with them, instead, he was pissed because Jeff will be the one to protect and guide y/n.

He let out a breathe that he didn't knew he held it in. Trying to control his temper, he removed his mask and pressed the bridge of his nose, getting slightly stressed.

"Why am I like this? Why am I so pissed off??" He says to himself quietly pondering about it.

Pulling the drawers, he saw his bottle of pills. He took 2 pills and placed it in his mouth. He grabbed the water–that was on top of the drawer– and drank it. He let out a sigh after taking his pills.

He was stressed out for no apparent reason. He was mad on Jeff for just being part of the group, but why was he so affected on it?? He shook his head to remove his confusing thoughts. He needs to relax for now.

(Y/n's pov)

While I was rereading the note or letter, I suddenly heard a knock on the door. I look up seeing Jen. She waved at me. I wave back.

"Hey y/n. How are you feeling?" She asked as she went towards me.

"I'm all good, What brings you here?"

"Well," -she sat on my bed- "Slenderman wanted you to join us on killing these group of people who trespassed our place." I nodded, excitement slightly flooding in my body now.

"Cool! So, who's coming with us?"

"Well, there's Masky, me, you, and Jeff." She says. I nodded.

"What's Jeff gonna do?" I asked.

"Well, since you're new to this Slenderman chose jeff as your personal 'guard' or a personal guide for you." She says quoting the 'Guard'. I nodded understanding it.

"Okay." Jen stood up stretching and exhaling some oxygen.

"Well, we should prepare now, See ya later y/n." She says as left the room.

I grabbed the necklace and wore it. Opening the drawer I found some clothing for me to change which is good. I grabbed the clothes and went to the bathroom to change my old clothing. Before changing, I checked my pockets first and brought out the things in my pocket before I throw my clothing away. The first one I grabbed out of my pocket was my Swiss knife.. Memories of pain fills my mind as I remembered my past history with this knife I held on my hand. Tears pricked my eyes slowing blurring my sight, I shook my head and thew my knife in the bin and began to undress to change my clothes.


I went out of the bathroom, I placed my old clothes on my bed and walked out of my room. The first person I saw was masky. He was leaning on the wall near my room. He looks a me scanning my body.

"You've changed your clothes,"-he fixes his pose- "That's good since you look terrible in your old clothes." He says as he started walking away, "I'll tell Slenderman that you're done doing your stuff." Masky adds.

"Y/N!" I turned around to see Jeff.

"Hey jeff." I said with a smile.

"Are you feeling better now?" I nodded.

"Of course I am. Thank you by the way." I saw Jeff smile at me genuinely.

"It's no problem y/n. You are like my sister anyways. Also," -he suddenly hugs me- "don't do that again alright? We are worried about you." He says as I smiled at him and patted his back.

"I won't."


Ah shit I'm sorry that I haven't updated this book QwQ

I've been kind of busy since I have school and all that crap though, Forgive meh-

Also I'm sorry if this is short-

Finished in: January 6, 2020

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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